Sunday 24 January 2016

Who funds ISIS - IS?

Here we go again. Pictures in the Daily Mail - ISIS using Toyota's - come on lets Boycott - Toyota - any company associated with IS should be boycotted?

Without the support/funding they'll wither and die? Thank fully the price of oil has plummeted thus their earnings on the black market from then oil they've plundered is also plummeting. They' welcome to the desert - who wants it. Yes  some peasant/indigenous populations are being repressed but we can help them.  Small cost.

At the end of the day they only survive due to the greedy few supporters in east and west.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Did Russia Murder Litvinenko?

Yes it was a horrible way to die and very unusual and bizarre. Having found the poisoning method though it seems to me a strange way to do it. Surly the KGB or whoever could have made him "disappear" in much more subtle way, so why use Polonium?
Its going to be very traceable and very dangerous for all those involved. You only need few molecules in your system to start the rot and their's no cure, so why?

If it was Putin and the KGB then I think they calculated that this would be the outcome, so what was behind it? To send a message to all spies/traitors/defectors that they will be found and dealt with?

Who knows.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Cheap oil - be worried?

Isn't it great I filled my car up at the weekend for 99.7p per liter.

Haven't seen it so low since 2009!

But whilst I like it, globally its not good you know.

Why? because the mega-oil companies will be in trouble and we'll not convert to energy-saving CO2 saving technologies. Only good thing is it isn't worth the Oil companies exploring more for oil/gas.

Live now pay later - you say - yes but what bout your Grandchildren?

Do we want the planet to "burn"?

Why buy an electric car at twice the price of a conventional one, why not get a gas guzzler - you can afford it.

Believe me we'll regret it soon, and the prices will rise. So be sensible, have some fun but don't count on it.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Proud to be British?

Yes lets all be honest and say "we are proud to be British and we value our culture and way of life".

People of any nationality, race, colour creed etc. are welcome here but they must respect our society culture and values. If they object to our way of life then there is the way home for them back to their country.
If we visit their country do they not expect us to respect their culture and way of life? - yes.

I say an end to appeasement and political correctness. We have our laws and anyone, yes anyone British or not who breaks them must face the full wight of our laws. All men are equal in our country.

Well said Katie Hopkins.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Not Electric cars - run them on water!

Toyota has the right idea a fuel cell car powered by Hydrogen. Electric cars - plugging them in is like old phones before Mobiles were invented. Won't catch on, or they can crack the "induction power charging"?

What they need is to be generating the Hydrogen from water - using solar power. Maybe just a top up at home - generate your own hydrogen from solar power all day every day. Fill up when you get home. Or they'll come up with solid Hydrogen, like say "beads"that you don't need a pressurised tank for - much safer.
Who knows?