Sunday 26 February 2017

Well done Disney. Wire free charging.

WiFi charging is not new. It was discovered by Tesla, (the 18th century scientist not the electric car company that pinched his name), patented by Faraday over 100 years ago. Advances now make it feasible. I predicted years ago that this principle would be developed into practical technology. Next step, no need for batteries! Power picked up from WiFi.  Electric cars, no cables. Power picked up in the road. In years to come we'll laugh at these silly cables for charging cars for hours.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Cyclists can't win

DM headlines that Cyclists are anti-social, elite and reckless. I agree to an extent. I wish they would respect pedestrians and share. There should be a law that Cyclists can share pavements but have to give way to pedestrians. On the roads I'm terrified of motorists. They are in an a steel box,  cyclists are mere soft flesh.

I daren't ride on the roads. We need separate cycle lanes and zones. Next day DM headlines a cyclist killed by a bus, bet she was being careful.
Another cyclist killed. It's dangerous on our roads. The only sensible realistic solution is separate cycleways. If shared with pedestrians then there must be a RULE giving pedestrians priority.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

What point to marriage?

Now I've every sympathy with the lady who suddenly lost her long time partner and yes they were going to marry but the fact is they weren't married. If the court rules that non married couples can have the same rights as married couples then I just can't agree. Sort  but what is the point of marriage?
It used to be the legal contract for two people to say we share everything for life. If you're not married the where do you draw the line. When do two people become a couple? A year, a month, a week, a day? Surely if you are really committed and want to share GET MARRIED.