Saturday 16 September 2017

Trump wants to Ban Internet?

Trump wants to Ban the internet to foil terrorism? Maybe a bit simplistic but I sort of agree with the idea.
I've argued that the internet is a wonderful tool for all criminals including terrorists. But no one can truly be anonymous there. To get on you need an IP address, much like a car number plate. All IP addresses relate to countries and are obtained from companies who own them. So if the authorities want to know who is saying what track the IP address down. EASY. Yes I know they try to hide, spoofing or using proxies, but also all internet traffic has to be routed. So just like Trump wants to Mu slims entering USA, then track the IP addresses as far as you can then where it stops the company routing it should be locked down. The message wool echo across the internet and the company's don't want to lose business. Maybe whole countries need blocking? Can be done, till they root out the criminals. It's not just Google,  Facebook, Microsoft to blame they just sit on the internet but they should too take down the vile information hosted. They should give up all information on the people behind the names used.

Monday 11 September 2017

Cumbria Crime Commisioner cracking down on Cyber Crime

Reportedly Cyber Criminals are getting into your living room so Cumbria's Police Crime Commissioner is doubling his Cyber Crime budget. good but last year when I reported two attack s of Ransomware on my school last year, all they could do was give me a crime number. Even though I had plenty of evidence to add, not interested. It's only by collecting intelligence and working with our European crime agencies can we tackle the criminals behind it. Remember their attacks over the internet can strike thousands but it only takes a fraction to succumb for it to be worthwhile.
They want you to pay a ransom in Bitcoins, you have to contact them. The website's used were traceable and identifiable. They have to be registered somewhere with IP addresses. They are allocated to countries/organisations, they can be traced. I know they NAT them and use proxies but in my book anyone translating these addresses should be shut down. They'd soon stop allowing it. They need the legitimate business. If they don't block their countries. They'd soon find them and lock them up. Easy.