Wednesday 1 October 2014

Racists - Ton n Jerry? non-pc cartoons

I have always decried the attitude to "rewriting history" - typified by the attitude to using the "N" word that I am allowed to allude to so everyone knows but not actually use! It was Guy Gibson's Black Labrador's name in 1942!1 For heavens sake - what else form history shall we erase that we don't like now?

So the Tom and Jerry cartoons used Racist images/subjects whatever? Times were different 50/60 years ago. Maybe it was offensive then - people just didn't know it - we have learnt though haven't we.
(you know the above article appeared in Saturdays Daily Mail - I thought I was reading what I had written).

There are differences though, what is a word - the "N" word. Can I say "N" black? 

Its not being offensive is it - the word exists - I don't like the "F" word. Don't use it personally but loads of people do and it offends me but I let it ride unless they are being offensive to me. Any word can be offensive to somebody depending on how it is used, black, white, big, small, thin, fat, boy, girl, happy , sad, gay, merry I could go on. Pointless. 

Its not the words its the context.

Personally depicting violence to under 12s is bad, e.g. many films now are rated 12 or PG when they show "fantasy violence" whatever that is it seems to be OK. Killing is killing. Perhaps one day we'll have some protection for crimes against Fantasy Characters - someone needs to stand up for them.

1 comment:

Monty Pines said...

You know I wrote this on wednesday and I think Frank Furedi read it and used my ideas for his article?