Saturday 4 October 2014

Top Gear starts second Falklands War?

Top gear could have made sensational headlines as above - maybe? Well it seems the Argies aren't happy with Jeremy Clarkson and co who were filming a Top Gear "stunt" there.

Were they aware of possible significance of the number plated Porsche? "oh dear, no" they said - "you bet they were " I SAY.

Heavens sake this is Top Gear they like to court controversy - why does JC work for the BBC? He's nearly been sacked a couple of times but they let him off.

Weather the BBC like TG because they can sell it is one thing, as a Taxpayer funded organisation I say "NO WAY". How on earth is the BBC allowed to do these things? If it was a private company fair enough - they take the consequences, but when  you and I are paying for it. In these days of austerity, the Government wants to cut Benefits to make ends meet, how about letting every body be £145 a year better off. Abolish the Licence fee, and Privatise the BBC.

MP John Whittingdale who chairs the Culture and Media committee said that "it was getting harder to sustain the license fee".

Too right when the bloated BBC languishes fat salaries on endless "executives", insane "stars", ridiculous "presenters" (Claudia Winkelman £250,000) and wastes money provoking other countries, do we really expect this on our hard earned money. If even a minute fraction of any of this was done by say your local council (taxpayer funded) or your MP (taxpayer funded) there would out cry "sack them" but this is hte BBC (Taxpayer Funded).


News Corporation is still feeling the effects of the "Phone Hacking" scandal - what are the sanctions on the BBC - I think its too much part of the establishment - hence why Jimmy Saville got away with it for so long. Maybe there is change in the air?

They sold off the Post Office, if Sky can be profitable then why not the BBC,? It gets over £3 billion pounds a year to make "entertainment"!! how can this be in 2014?

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