Tuesday 4 November 2014

Out of Afghanistan but terror reigns

Hoorah for getting our troops out but have we defeated terrism? NO.
The Afghan peasants still grow poppies for us to get heroin. all the misery, crime and death it wreaks here everyday. What are we doing? Not much.
We should have spent that £35b on fighting drugs. Pay the Afghan peasants to grow cabbages instead, anything to stop the drugs.
How it many people die every week from drug related causes? 28. This equates to a 7/7 style attack every 2 weeks. If so think about the reaction to that. no expense spared to catch the terrorists but as they are spread out there is little action. But how can i say it Drug dealers are terrorists by proxy. Think of all the crime that is drug related not to mention lives blighted by it.Why do the Taliban let people grow poppies and make opium then send it here? They are just surely poisoning our society from within.
Why aren't we fighting this Terrorism lie we put troops in Afghanistan ?

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