Wednesday 5 November 2014

Living Wage increase good

I think they should increase the Living Wage, but will people get it?

When folk on benefits can get over £25000 it doesn't seen fair.

To me simple answer  - TAX ALL BENEFITS

This way we're all equal. Those on low wages get benefits and pay tax why not those just on benefits? Only exception should be those benefits that are for disability. then when they go back to work they can't claim that "its not worth it" - after deductions they're worse off.

I'd also ensure that unused Tax allowances can be rolled up say over three years so that when they do go back to work they can pay less tax if they're on low wages. Some Tax allowances are rolled up over several years like Capital gains tax on properties so why not personal allowances?

Only thing is David sCameron - where is the promised Married Person's allowance?

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