Tuesday 25 November 2014

BBC wastes Taxpayers money

How dare they waste our money, my money on such rubbish.

I don't know how in 21st Century Britain it is allowed that an organisation that answers to no one collects over £3.7billion in taxpayers money and spends it on "ENTERTAINMENT"?

If it was your local Council they would have to answer to the voters. Councils are being squeezed dry yet the BBC can spend all this money on the Likes of Jeremy Clarkson upsetting the Argentinians. Nothing happens.
I don't have any feelings for the Argentinians but i do object to the BBC sending Clarkson over there to upset them. Perhaps second thoughts it was a good idea but only if he STAYED there.

Any way if you agree write to your MP and demand that the Government sells off the BBC.

£3billion pounds is 3% of what the NHS spends and they could do with more money, what would you Rather have, you r cancer treatment or Eastenders? I know I might not get the answer I want but then some folk don't agree with me,

So be it.

Privatise the BBC. Stop this waste. Look at all those screens on behind the news readers no one there, if you Council did that they'd soon get sorted out.

More evidence today to support my stance. THey say that  they are "saving money". I know a way to save over £3billion....... Privatise the BBC!

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