Tuesday 30 December 2014

Lincolnshire NIMBYs

It seems that some folk in Lincolnshire are against housing development. Well given the vat areasofopen space in Lincolnshire I would have thought it ideal for development. If people move in here they bring with them(assuming they have work?), spending power an demand facilities like shops, schools, doctors, etc, etc. These facilities are sorely needed in the east of the county. Yes its  a peaceful wasteland for a few who live there. Look at the South East  of the country - demand is insatiable but where are the open spaces? Things need to move North to give us all a better life. Please lets share our county there's plenty of room for everyone.

Monday 22 December 2014

Yes - I want to know if its HalHal meat.

Yes - I want to know if its HalHal meat. Muslims want to know too - they wouldn't eat it if it wasn't so isn't it my right to know that my meat has been humanely killed according to British Law?

Sunday 21 December 2014

12 Tips for Christmas - MS Outlook - had to share

Had to share these tips with you.
Merry Christmas.

12 Tips for Christmas - MS Outlook
1. Never have to write the same email twice
Create your email then click on File > Save As… > Outlook template. Then, to use the template, go to New Items > More Items > Choose From… and look in your ‘User Templates in File System’ to browse for the template you saved (control and ; inserts the current date).
2. Switch between your mail, calendar and contacts
Hold down the Control key and tap 1 for Mail, 2 for Calendar and 3 for Contacts.
3. Create a Post It Note when in Outlook
Hold down the Control + Shift and tap the letter N to bring up a Sticky Note.
4. Reply to an email 
Hold down the Control key and tap R
5. Create a new email from your clipboard
Copy any text to your clipboard, say from Word and then in Outlook hold down the Control key and tap the letter V. A new email is created with the text already pasted.
6.Forward an email quickly
Hold down the ALT key and tap W
7.Use Quick Parts to save yourself time
Simply highlight the text in the editing window, then switch to the Insert tab, click the Quick Parts dropdown and select ‘Save selection to Quick Parts gallery’. To use it, when you start typing the phrase, you’ll see it pop up as a suggestion – press Enter to insert it.
8. Write an email to be delivered in the future
Defer the delivery of an email until a specified time. Write your email, then click on the ‘Options’ tab and click ‘Delay Delivery’. This opens a requester with a ‘Do not deliver before:’ field; enter a date and time, then click Close.
9. Flag messages fast
With a message or two selected, just press the INSERT key to toggle the flag on and off.
10. Make certain emails stand out with Conditional Formatting
Click on the View tab and click on View Settings and choose Conditional Formatting. Using this option doesn’t move or process messages, but it displays emails matching certain criteria in a specified font and colour, so you can instantly spot them in your inbox.
11. Set up a different Time Zone
Under File, Options, Calendar you’ll find the option ‘Show a second time zone’ to display a second time zone so that you can keep track of what time it is back home, or see what time it is for your colleagues overseas, to ensure you catch them during office hours and don’t contact them at an inconvenient time of day. Click Swap Time Zones to easily switch from one location to the other.
12. Mark messages ‘read’ or ‘unread’

To mark a message as ‘read’ using the keyboard hold the Control key and tap the letter Q and Control and U to mark the message as ‘unread’.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue consultaion.

Lincolnshire Fire and rescue consultation

Get your response in by February 2015

Here is what I say.

I believe that revision of provision is best served by rapid response then based on assesment additional support pulled in as necessary. Not all fires/incidents need the full crew and fullsize tender. Why not provide smaller vehicles with basic equipment to attend small fires and incidents quickly say 2 crew. the standard Fire Engine and crew can be called in if necessary. Whilst I do not object to fire crews assisting with other emergencies when not involved otherwise I think this has a detrimental effect on fire crews. Facilities could/should be shared across the blue light services.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Santander Clause - Register for alerts from your Bank Account - No not Santa Claus

The Santander Clause - register for alerts from your Bank Account - No not Santa Claus. Now the very nice Santander people have offered me to setup alerts to my Mobile or Email  on my account .
I can get a text message if my balance goes over or under a certain amount and a weekly update of balance and transactions. Could be useful and is FREE.

I wonder how many people actually read the terms and conditions, but just tick the box? I do READ them before i tick.

How many folk kn ow about this clause. The Santander Clause!!

Please note - (and I have done this anyway) - PROTECT YOUR PHONE WITH A PIN!

If you don't then Sanatander (and I guess other banks) will have a "get out" clause if anything goes wrong.

You have been warned.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

The Old should get checked out.

So we old folk are expected to get the doctor to check out all our aches, pains and lumps as they may be serious, well yes IF you could get an appointment and like My doctor said to me after a Wait of 2 weeks to see him about one thing, went on to say "while I'm here doctor, can i mention...."
"Well if its quick, I don't have much time", he cut me off.

So that's it wait 2 weeks to see the doctor then limited to one item discussed per visit - when did these rules come in?

On 7/11/14 I rang Doctors to make an appt, made a Doctors appointment, earliest I could get was Mon 24th Nov
Having seen the Doctor he referred me for an X-ray and blood tests
X-ray at Louth is just walk-in. So I can go there ASAP 9-16:30 M-F
Blood test the earliest I can be seen for this is December 15th!

They said that they have a shortage of staff - its not just Doctors. Surely out of the East Lincs Trust there are other Doctors/surgeries. I accept that some people really need to be able to get to see their nearest doctor and traveling to Mablethorpe is difficult in its self. they can get a bus to Mabo but then its a liongwalk to the actual surgery on Stanley Avenue.

Personally i can go to Mablethorpe no bother if it means I get seen earlier or at a convenient time. It often seems that they don't understand that some people actually work! Most of their clients don't and can come anytime.

I suggest that East Lincs Trust try seeing what services ALL their GP practices can Pool and offer times for services at alternative practices - none of them are miles away. After all if you are referred to a hospital, as I was, in this case it was Louth which again is not easy to access if you don't drive but I've been for a scan and that was Grimsby! 30+ miles and over an hour away.

What is it with this "exclusiveness" of GPs? If I took ill whilst at my Son's in Cumbria I wouldn't expect them to say "go to your GP in Mablethorpe" would I. Hospitals serve the area so why not some collaboration between GPs?

I then went to see the "Nurse" for a blood test on Monday, 15th. No problem there and surprisingly I had an ECG. I wasn't expectiong that. then I asked "what about the results, what do I do, ring in a week?"
"No", she said "if you hear nothing all's OK. the doctor will let you know if he wants to see you."

Later that day I got a call the doctor wants to discuss your results, well he hadn't got the blood tests so is my ECG bad?

I rang for an appointment, Tuesday next week, another 8days to wait so surely it can't be urgent. All together remember I rang to make an appointment beginning of November but couldn't be seen for over 2 weeks and now its still ongoing over 2 months. They say get "checked out" , don't wait but no wonder folk go to A&E. if it is serious we've wasted 2 months when I could be getting treatment.


Universal Translator is here

Star Trek has come true, the Universal Translator is here.

It had to happen. What next the Babel fish to put in your ear?

Sunday 14 December 2014

Wallace Invented the Techno Trousers

I am dismayed that this scientist claims to have invented her pneumatic trousers - IT WAS WALLACE IN 1993!

The Wrong Trousers

Every body knows he invented the "Techno Trousers"

Perhaps this is where she got the idea?

Thursday 11 December 2014

Letter to Simon Heffer Daily Mail.

Hello Mr Heffer,

I have so say that I largely agree with your comments about the BBC, I do like it, but I have to point out that an organisation spending £3.7billion of Taxpayers money, completely on entertainment, not accountable to anyone is a scandal in the 21st Century.

I suggest that the Government should reform the BBC by privatising it. Save the £3.7billion and spend it on something worthwhile like the NHS.

For people like us, given today’s varied media , the Licence fee is an anachronism without comparison. People should be allowed the free choice to spend their money as they wish on entertainment if that is their choice.

I have mentioned that the BBC are losing sight or their reponsibilities with inappropiate content broadcast before the watershed. Parents should be able to trust the BBC, what does the BBC trust say to that? Again Amanda Platell agrees with me and good old Julie Walters does too.

Many people without earnings choose to spend their income in strange ways, in my opinion. On the one hand the Worlds Fattest man has just died. Where did he get his money to buy all that excessive food that killed him, surely he wasn’t working as was bedridden. We are told people are starving yet these same people will not give up their Sky TV, Broadband, or mobile phones.

Amada Platell reported that a family of four with one wage earner on the Minimum wage gets a total income of £25k! I do not earn that yet my wife and I live on less than that and pay our income tax, NI, Pension, Council Tax and TV Licence. Our Choice. I would love to earn £25k but would need a salary of around £30k before I took that home.

My answer to inflated benefits – TAX IT! It is after all income. We all have our personal tax allowance designed to ensure we can earn a fair amount before paying tax, so why do these people qualify for so much tax free handouts? It just doesn’t makes sense.

Perhaps we should go back to the 1930’s at least then the poor people knew exactly what they needed to do to survive. No handouts for them. They had to make ends meet. It’s about time we ALL understood that in 21st Century Britain. Labour won’t cure the situation didn’t they get us into it in the first place?


Tuesday 9 December 2014

Worlds Fattest Man has died

So the Worlds Fattest Man has died after he tried to lose weight.

After weighing 70 stone he tried to lose weight. He had not been out of his house for 10 years.

He had six-egg fry-ups for breakfast then pizzas, kebabs, Chinese takeaways and Big Macs for lunch and dinner, all washed down with six pints of coffee and two litres of fizzy drinks.

What I don't understand is when these people get this fat where do they get the food from, who cooks it etc etc.?

So someone must be buying it and feeding them. In this case his sisters are suspects.

If he was a child then making fat like this would be "cruelty" and they would be prosecuted and the child taken into care.

Is there no way we can stop these sort of people from abusing and killing another human being? They killed him by overfeeding him.

If he had to feed himself then he's struggle to get the food, cook it and eat it on his own. He's soon lose weight. Besides how did he afford all this food? What was his income? He didn't work did he? Was he registered disabled? SO what was the authorities responsibility in this? He was drug addict, his drug was food. How dare the professionals no doubt involved in this allow this to happen? Surely when he got to 20stone they should have acted but it went on, he gained another 30 stone.

I despair.

Yet apparently so many folk are starving and dependent on Food banks because they can't afford to eat.

I know of poor people who don't cook. they survive on takeaways and ready meals. The Microwave cooks for them. Surely this way must be so expensive? After the last war we were in rationing - there were no Fat people then and we were much healthier - just! On the brink of starvation but people knew how to eek out food, cook sensibly and reduce waste.

Frankly we must just be too rich here in this country or we wouldn't waste so much or get fat.

Sunday 7 December 2014

What does your Councillor do for you?

I have written to my Local Councillor many times this last year and spoken to her on the telephone but I am yet to have a reply?

This is common decency - what do you think?

Should your Councillor reply to you?

I have contacted her over local issues and one query but no answer.

What should I do next i have spoken to the Leader of the Independents - she is one - and he says that he has asked her to speak to me/write - NOTHING

They get paid public money to be Councillors - I am disgusted but what can be done?

Friday 5 December 2014

BBC News cross line

Again BBC 6pm news totally inappropriate for this time.Piece on DJ RAPING.Swearing & distressing scenes.How do you explain rape to 5yr old?

Thursday 4 December 2014

Prisoners 2013

Prisoners. Hugh Jackman Not recognizable. Very well acted. Suspense and tension maintained keeping up the interest . Very involving and believable characters. 5* from me.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Ched Evans Rape conviction - should he play Football?

Still going on about Ched Evans I see, 

I'll re-iterate what I said about a month ago, its about time the FA decided its "rules" on ex-offenders, these things should not be decided by Mass Mob Hystreria or Social Media. That's why we have LAWS.

Ched Evans Rape conviction - should he be allowed to return to Football?

Its down to the FA i say.

Reasons, we have laws in this country for a reason. There are rules around dealing with rehabilitaion of ex-offenders, for example it depends on

  • type of offence
  • length of sentence.
I believe that if your sentence is less than 2.5 years then after 10 years it can be considered "spent" - ie that means that you don't have to tell anyone about it - you get a fresh start.

So, Ched was sentenced to 5 years so it can never be "spent".

Next if its a sexual offence, as his was, you have to on the Sex offenders register for life. So with for example Teachers they can never teach again or work with children if it was a "sex" offence. MPs can't be Mp's if their offence was more than 1 year sentence and so it goes on.

I say, in my opinion it is up to the FA to decide how they deal with ex-offenders. They need to set down their rules.

Nothing stopping Ched being a Lorry Driver.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Unemployed now will have to wait 5 weeks before benefits!

Unemployed now will have to wait 5 weeks before benefits! Now I said I agreed with Amanda Platell that it was ridiculous that a family of four with one earner could get £25k in wages plus benefits if they were on minimum wages.

Now I don't earn that GROSS for my wife and myself.

Our choice.

Where is the promised Married Person's allowance?

Now if I lose my job after 40years of paying taxes and National Insurance - I EXPECT the Insurance bit to kick in - haven't I earned it?

I agree Benefits should not be an open cheque but a safety net. But what about fairness?