Monday 7 November 2011

M5 Crash - how appalling

First let me say my sincere sorrow to all those involved and condolences to all those bereaved.

Now let me ask should we not all drive at a speed and distance appropriate to the conditions? I was not there and do not know what happened but lets say smoke was involved.

I know that at 80mph (the proposed new Maximum speed limit) in the dark I cannot stop in the distance picked out by my DIPPED headlights. Yet how many folk drive at this speed on dipped Headlights. Slow down to the distance you can see to stop in.

How many times in poor conditions have I slowed down only to be overtaken and worse had a Bully on my tail feet from my bumper wanting me to speed up. He can see me but how do I know what is ahead if I can't SEE IT!

What about these Stealth Drivers? Now the days are short and often even in the daylight it s poor visibility with cloud and rain yet I see (eventually) dark cars with NO lights on. Are they frightened of being seen? Surely if I pull out in front of a car "I can't see" then they'd be a bit miffed, if he hit me it would be a lot more expensive all around than the thimbleful of fuel he's saved by not putting his lights on. If we had any Police on the roads I'd expect them to stop these idiots and make them put their lights ON.

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