Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pensions - what a fine mess!

So – now 2million Public sector workers strike. The Government has missed a trick here. If they had simply altered the pension benefits i.e. made it “work longer” and/or “get less” for the SAME contribution then there would have probably not been a strike but when faced with a 3% cut in pay as well….

So when you’re only on £15k it’s a hard pill to swallow. Most would probably be better off on benefits costing the Government (Tax payers) even more. Is that really what they want?

Or at the end of the day they’ll just opt out of their Pensions, saving the 6-9% deduction, end up with no Pension when they retire and thus live on the State pension topped up with what ever benefits they’re entitled to. Seeing as the object is to raise more money to get us out of the ”mess” then this won’t work will it Mr. Osborne? A voluntary Tax! Great – how many people will “volunteer to pay tax”?

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