Thursday 10 November 2011

Survival of the FITtest - my answer

What should HMG do, I suggest:-

  1. No VAT on domestic Solar/Wind etc. installations. That way the capital cost comes down, more people buy them and as demand increases the costs come down as well.
  2. Remove VAT on the 1st tier of fuel rates. Why TAX the least well off then pay them benefits? These people in Fuel poverty are often the ones unlikely to be able to swap suppliers etc. to gain the benefit – what if they are on a pre-payment. They also don’t have well insulated houses, can’t afford insulation, and don’t know how to conserve energy/heat.
  3. Get the economy going – this will help everyone. If the Stock Market goes up then the Pension funds are up also helping keep the cost of Pensions down so less need to increase contributions/work longer. 20 years ago a lumps sum annuity bought a pension twice as big as now (I don’t need to tell you how that is a double whammy as prices have doubled since then as well)
  4. Make the Banks pay realistic interest rates to savers, they charge silly rates to borrowers when the Bank rate is only 0.5% how is that not just sheer robbery?

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