Monday 28 November 2011

Public Sector Pensions Rip-off

So now the latest idea is to give £1billion to help youngsters get work. Yet at the same time they want Public Sector Workers to have a 3% pay cut (average) for the same pension yet work years longer before getting it. Mr Osborne its a 3% PAY CUT.
So you've revamped YTS - great! and at the end there will still be no REAL JOBS
Get the Economy going, then the Public Sector workers on "Poverty Wages" (Government figures) will get REAL jobs paying decent wages and not be a burden on the state. Then those that want to retire why not let then and use the £1billion to boost the pensions thereby freeing up Real Jobs for the Youngsters?

This way the Public Sector workers you really need, Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Care Workers can pay in the same as now and get a decent pension when they retire.

As they say "Simples". You may get the Strike called off.

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