Wednesday 9 November 2011

No survival of the FITtest

I must say how dismayed and shocked I was to hear that the funding for the FIT schemes had been slashed. We are awating a quotation to have solar panels fitted but this is questionable now.

I really think it is in the best interest of everybody to conserve fuel/energy and do what you can to be green.

In the current situation, with rocketing fuel bills Solar Panels seemed a good idea but they are a huge capital expense. If you can afford the outlay it does make sense. For us it was a case of a small Bond maturing at the end off the month. Should we reinvest? But look at the abysmal interest rates. By putting the money to solar panels, with the FITs we would get a better return and help be Green.

Not now though

We are lucky to have paid off our Mortgage, but now we see what savings we have eroded by inflation, pitiful interest rates and looming cuts to our pensions. What do we do? If we had a mortgage and no savings we’d be better off! That is why the country is in a mess. It’s the spend today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow mentality, not like how were were brought up, you must know what I mean.

What can the Government do to help?

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