Monday 25 March 2013

Lights out! no GAS?

I agree with the Mail comment about how we may only be days away from GAS rationing.


How did Britain – once a leading energy producer – come to be so reliant on imports from Russian gangsters, an underwater pipeline from Norway and ships bringing liquefied gas thousands of miles from Qatar?

And also

Instead of commissioning replacements for our ageing nuclear power stations, and creating new storage facilities for gas, politicians fixated over building  useless countryside-scarring windmills.
When we got North Sea Gas in the 70's we could have baked it and secured our future energy needs but what diid we do - squabdered it.

WE had the Dash fo GAS and buit Gas Power Staions so we could shut the Coal Fired ones and end the dependency on Caol - good idea but now where's the Gas?

WE MUST build some proper power stions, Nulclear fission or Fusion we can't wait till the lightas go out can we?

Sunday 24 March 2013

Monty goes Smart!

So I’ve succumbed to the 21st Century craze of a “Smart Phone”

Mainly because it’s a good deal. Not that I particularly have an axe to grind. Just wanted to pass on the good news. This is advice for you to consider but as always its “horses for courses”. Everyone is different so you choose.

In my case I’ve had an O2 phone, pay-as-you go for years. I’m not into gadgets just need a phone for the odd call/emergency odd texts (mainly to./from my wife).

I reckon I put £10 every couple of months. I get free texts for a month then that’s it 12p a TEXT! After that.

I’ve got Broadband/home phone with TalkTalk and they came up with this offer on a Mobile for a £5 a month.

It gives me a new Samsung handset, free calls to my Home Phone number and texts, plus 2mb data., per month

Fee family calls (to home and anyone else on my “Family” plan
100 mins talk
200mb data
Free voicemail

Also its android, 2.3 gingerbread and I can setup my Gmail account etc. – all good stuff to be using now.

Latest - just downloaded my first App.

Allows messaging between you and friends, avoiding your text limit (I think). Free  for a year. Still only a couple of quid after - still cheaper than texts.

Damn the keyboard. I've sent some right drivel. The letters are too small for my fingers. I get the wrolng letters and then it makes up some horrendous words. Good job my friends understand. Heterosexual for "here"!
Maybe I'll get better?

Saturday 23 March 2013

Clegg thinks mums at home worthless

Cleggy thinks mums who stop at home are worthless?

So no help for married couples in budget but referendum on Europe if you vote for sCameron and the osBorne  Conspiracy.

Beleive them?

Thursday 21 March 2013

We're all doomed

How about the osBorne Conspiracy spends some money on some new Power Stations? That will do 2 things - plenty of jobs for those building them and running them. If Nuclear - no global warming, cheaper to run, and build them in areas where there is no other employment CUMBRIA!

2 things - 2 it will stop the lights going out in a year or 2. That stupid Government that let the Dash for Gas go on has done it.


If we don't then there won't be an economic recovery EVER.

Remember I did say that we need to end Fuel Poverty, take off the unfair Energy Tax remember those who are at the lowest end pay the MOST for fuel and the Government of Mr sCameron gets 10% Energy tax.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Scam and conspiracy

Yep - Scameron and the osBorne Conspiracy have done it again with this disasterous budget.

Yes £10k before Tax is to be applauded but that's all.

Nowt for married couples. They just gave back thousands to folk on over £150k - poor souls. 

1p back on beer and no duty rise on Petrol/diesel. So its less expensive to go to the Pub!

What about those crippled by rising costs of Gas and Electricity? £1500 a year average whatever your income. At least 10% of that is tax and it hits the low earners (I include all income, e.g. pensioners) hardest. If you keep your use to a minimum and you'r on £5k a year 5% VAT hits you hardest especially as Tariffs are highest at the bottom end.

Biliionaire Osborne and co just don't get it.

You can choose to drink beer and use your car. So do you turn the heating off?

Why doesn't everyone pay TAX? Even those on benefits - ITS INCOME!
Look you can have £10 k tax free isn't that enough to live on? Those on £20k benefits pay tax. After all I earn over £20k and then everything I spend is after TAX - seems fair to me.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Bonkers Government gives more money to the rich

Here we go again this Bonkers Government gives out more money to rich WORKING people

What about the Election pledge to help Married Couples (they may have children as well)?

Also would help Gay people in Civil Partnerships.

Giving money out (MY MONEY) to couples who put their kids in child care is Bonkers

In these times of austerity isn't ONE breadwinner per family enough  One stays at home to look after the children. If you can't afford childcare don't do it!

If Married couples had tax breaks then the one who stays at home would be helped by more income from the one working.

Raising children by their parents is by FAR the best way - statistics and endless studies have proved it. Being in a MARRIAGE is also the best way. There is NO equality for "Living together" - I'm not stopping you but if you want the benefits (not social security) real benefits for you and you r family, not to mention SOCIETY then get married!!


You know it makes sense.

Think of the jobs this would create. All these mums n dads stopping at home, who would do their jobs? Also yes they would have less money, but cut down.

Sky TV is NOT your human right, even though prisoners get it.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Free TV Movies with TESCO

Friends - got a TESCO Clubcard?

Sign up for Clubcard TV. FREE movies etc for you -  no catch! 

Have a look. 

Recommended by Monty

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Antibiotics are our friends

So we're gradually getting neared doomsday with antibiotics.

Soon all the bacteria will be resistant.

Yep - better get used to it.

Antibiotics should now only be used as a last resort.

We can use Aseptic techniques to kill bacteria. They don't develop a resistance to disinfectants they just DIE.

So instead os expecting a cure for everything we need to practice good hygene.

Or we'll regret it.