Saturday 30 November 2013

Energy tax is robbing poor to pay the RICH

Is anyone going to Challenge this Government on why they TAX a basic essential at 5% VAT plus the Green Tax?
Everyone pays these taxes even the unemployed, those on benefits and pensioners plus Bankers and the very rich. IS THAT FAIR?
NO I say.

Wind Farm operators get  double the current wholesale price for electricity - paid for out of Green taxes.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

RWE NOT building Windfarm - Against Asserby Windfarm

Hoorah! Perhaps this is the beginning of the End? Maybe when the Government understands the public anger against a policy of taxing the poor to pay the Rich (Energy Companies) is morally and ethically wrong, they'll adjust the phenomenal payments they give for Green Energy making it nonviable merely as a profit making exercise?

Sex on-line?

Where will it end? I despair. Have you seen Logan's Run? What next, they have info on you and your location, next they'll be comparing DNA for a good Mate! An App to match your genetic code on the iPhone?

Producing the right offspring - or not. Seems REAL relationships are dead. Its the children I feel sorry for.

Everything is so false these days?

Sunday 24 November 2013

Hurrah Rebecca Adlington

I have nothing but admiration for Rebecca. My only criticism is why should she be daft enough to go on Celebrity Jungle?

Having said that no one can criticise her she is a GOD! A very small number of people like her are Superhuman, yes not a Supermodel but actually a SUPER ROLE model. 

Anyone who gets up 7 days a week at silly times to train in a pool then wins medals for her country at the pinnacle Olympic games is definitely so high up in achievement she must be Superhuman and thus a GOD!

Anyone less than that CANNOT criticise her. You should ALL be ashamed and banished to the black hole! 

I am not linking to eother Celebrity or any news articles as they do not need more oxygen, they are themselves ridiculous!

Saturday 23 November 2013

Sunday 17 November 2013

agains Asserby Windfarm - new law for locals

New Pickles law means we get a say in the planning of new windfarms. This law starts next month so I hope it applies to EnergieKontor's application forAsserby? It hasn't gone to planning yet.

Winkleman out - Barrowman in!

I suppose we'll have to endure Winkleman tonight? Look at what the awful woman does to her kids. Even she can't watch herself and won't let her kids watch Strictly! (Well not her show). 

I say  do a John Sargeant Cluadia and bow out of Stricly. Vote youself off and lets have John Barrowman for Sunday Nights, and Brucies stand in. He's brilliant.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Don't waste Helium

Don't waste Helium on fun balloons.


Library closures

Lincolnshire library closures. So be it. I wouldn't volunteerie to see someone lose their job. Will the councillor's volunteer for nothing to be on the council?
What did we fight WWII for? The Nazis  were burning books that were not appropriate. Will lincs CC do similar when they close the Libraries ?

Sunday 10 November 2013

Strictly - Dave out

So Dave's out. Like hime my favourite but he can't dance. Claudia escaped from the asylim again. wearing her gown.
John Barrowman is my choice.

Office 2010 free training

If you're wanting FREE training on Microsoft Office, 2003/2007/2010 this is a good site.
Click here

How dare they? Energy companies profit from your money

Have you ever wondered if you could get millions of people to lend you £100 for nowt. Then you'd put it in a building society account and collect the interest? Million in interest.

Well I suppose this is what the energy companies do.

You pay £x a month your bill but when you're in credit and there must be millions in their bank accounts surely they can sit on it an collect millions in interest?

DO we get any "credit" for it - no.

All they do is put their prices up by 10% plus! No one else would get away with it but what can you do, you've got to have electricity and gas? Well you could switch, try Quidco.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Not Clueless Claudia again

Yes again the BBC dumb down again with clueless Claudia. No  Bruce. Why not bring in John Barrowman? He was brilliant on Take 2. He actually knows about dancing .

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Pay Day lenders OK

I think PayDay lenders are providing a service. Providing they make their Ts&Cs o-pen and up front surely you are entitiled to use your own judgement and use them or not.

Preferably why not use a Credit card or simply don't spend what you haven't got!

Cut down on things but the unexpected happens.

Credit Unions are a better alternative.

Anyone remeber the "Pru"?

Ther will always be the vulnerable and easily led but then the Loan Sharks could get them anyway.

Yes it need tight regulation but not banning.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Claudia dresses DOWN for Strictly

So, Halloween night on Strictly and Claudia manages to dress down for Halloween night. Nobody noticed!
Sad to see Rachel go. There were at least 3 other dead certs who should have been in the dance off. Abbey's dance was divine. Why don't the public like her?