Monday 29 September 2014

Tories Freeze Benefits

SO Mr Os born conspiracy, want to squeeze more out of the poorest to cut the deficit - he should be ashamed.

It was the fat Bankers that caused the problems let them pay. We've baled out the banks - I mean you and me to the tune of £1500 per man, woman and child. Can I have my money back now please, George. At the same time he gives money back to the rich, by cutting the top rate of tax.

Surely the fairest way is to put 1p on income tax and then everyone WORKING pays their fair share until we have recovered.

I do agree that Benefits should have a cap - its not a blank cheque and we can't afford it, but not the poorest to suffer. Also limit their rise to 1% that 's what I've just got after 5 years of no rise. Give the Midwives 1% too.

Again why is VAT at 5% charged on Gas and electricity bills? The poorest (on benefits/pensions) have to pay it or do without Mssrs Cameron and Osborne don't worry about their bills 'cos they're rich. The poorest pay the most relative to their income. If you're going to freeze them (literally) then why not take VAT off the first £1000 of bill?

Lastly yes - if everyone could work and not claim benefits then there wouldn't need to be a freeze on benefits. SO get everyone working Mr Osborne. Hitting them when they're down won't work.

Sunday 28 September 2014

strictly rip-off

can you believe that Tess Daly & Igor Winkleman (you can guess where that name comes from) get £250k each for the show. Len etc. only get £100k each. ridiculous. this is public money. surely they could get someone worthwhile, pretty and funny for less? what about Gordon the Gofer?
Privatise the BBC. Sajid Javid is right £145 tax for entertainment is too much. Especially when its squandered on Igor.

Saturday 27 September 2014

strictly come dancing

strictly has started. the dancing is mostly very good. some surprises. Caroline looks very professional .
ahhh - that woman. worse than ever. wearing a pink pillow case ( at least not black ). She is the gurning champion. all those faces she pulls, get her upto the Egremont Crab Fair - she'd win.

Monday 22 September 2014

monty pines twitters too

Check out @MontereyPines's Tweet:

Devils Knott 2013

bit of a "To kill a mockingbird" but white kids, dabbling in the occult ,  not black. why did they not protest their innocence? Police had the culprits so job done, but why did no one care? Colin Firth all but unrecognisble. entertaining not good. 2/5.

Sunday 21 September 2014

How to edit PDFs without Adobe

How to edit PDFs: make change to a PDF
Need to tweak or correct a PDF? The process may not be obvious, but it can be done: here's how
PDF files are a convenient way to distribute digital documents. As well as text and graphics, they contain precise layout information, so a PDF is effectively a digital representation of a printed page. Indeed, many PDF creation tools work by setting themselves up as virtual printer drivers.
PDF isn’t a good format for documents you intend to edit, however. It is possible to create PDFs with editable text boxes, which you can fill in from within Adobe Reader or another compatible tool. There’s also software that can add and remove pages from a multi-page document, and perform other tricks such as resizing pages and cropping away unwanted margins.

When it comes to editing the actual content of a PDF page, however, things get tricky. It is possible to move and edit the text and graphics within a PDF, as we’ll discuss below. But text isn’t “live” in the way you’re probably used to: if you shorten a line, the words below won’t jump up to close the gap – they’ll remain pinned in place. If you can, it’s normally easier to edit or recreate the document in Word or a similar application, rather than trying to edit a PDF directly.
Getting hands-on with PDF
There are several tools that can be used to edit PDFs. One is Adobe Illustrator, but a handy free alternative is LibreOffice Draw: this isn’t distributed on its own, but you can get it by downloading and installing the full LibreOffice suite. LibreOffice Draw can open multi-page PDFs – use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move around the document – and allows you to freely edit, move and add text and graphical elements.

As I’ve mentioned, editing text can be problematic: individual lines of text can normally be edited with Draw’s Text tool, but you may need to move words around manually to balance out a multi-line paragraph.
You’ll also hit problems if the text in your PDF file uses a font that isn’t installed on your system: in this case, LibreOffice Draw will render it in a default font, causing the spacing to go wrong and losing the original appearance.
Just to make it interesting, some PDFs contain text rendered as graphics: in this case, you won’t be able to directly edit the text at all. The best you can do is select and delete unwanted characters individually, then overlay a new text box containing the desired replacement text.
Despite these obstacles, hopefully you’ll be able to make the desired changes to your PDF. When you’re happy, you can save your edited file by selecting File | Export as a PDF… and specifying the relevant options. Note that, by default, images embedded in a PDF will have JPEG compression applied each time you resave the file, so picture quality can degrade if you make repeated edits.

Editing locked PDFs
It’s worth noting that the PDF specification includes some security features that allow a document creator to forbid others from doing certain things, such as saving printing or editing a PDF. Should you need to make an edit to a locked file, a quick web search should turn up plenty of free tools and websites that will unlock PDF files for free.

Alternatively, as long as the document isn’t locked for printing, there’s another trick that can be used – so long as you have both a PDF creation tool and the Microsoft XPS Document Writer installed on your system as virtual printer drivers. All you need to do is print the document using this latter driver, to create a copy of it in XPS format – then open this document in Reader or another application and reprint it as an unprotected PDF. You should then be able to tamper with it as you choose

Thursday 18 September 2014

Apple iPhone iOS8 Upgrade - how to save space.

Apple iPhone iOS8 Upgrade - how to save space.

Having trouble installing the new iOS8? here's what to do

  1. Delete something - can you copy your photos to your Pc or at least some of them? and delete them.
  2. Download the iOS to your PC and install from there. Its the uncompressing of the iOS install files that needs the space it takes less than 2gb when installed so do it on your Pc and install on the phone.

The second option is definitely the simplest. Just connect your Apple device to your computer (Windows or Mac, doesn’t matter) and load up iTunes. First, you’ll need to check it's updated to the latest version: to do this go to Help > Check in the menu bar on Macs, or iTunes > Check on a PC.

Next, click on the Summary tab and simply click ‘Check for Update’. iOS 8 has been available now for at least half a day so it should have no problem finding and installing it – you just need an internet connection and a little patience.

Fuel Poverty is a Scandal

I've said it before it is grossly unfair that the poorest in society have the most expensive fuel bills.
Planners back Goole Fields 2 image
Don't believe me? Think about it.

  • Most tariffs are geared at people who can afford to have big bills, the more you use the cheaper per unit it gets. 
  • Also with the standing charge even if you used NOTHING you'd still have a bill to pay.
  • All bills have 5% VAT, so the higher the price the more HMG gets
  • Regardless of your income - you may be on benefits or a pension YOU pay VAT
  • If you're on a pre-payment meter - you pay in advance and can't swap supplier.
  • Prepayment meters are the dearest tariff
  • The GREEN Tax - another 10-15% goes to GREEN energy - what's that? Paying big businesses millions to build Wind Turbines that only work a third of the time, the rest of the time they get paid even more! Unbelievable - check it out.
  • The Big Green 'uns get paid even more.
  • If you're in arrears you can't swap suppliers.
  • Poorest people live in homes with the worst efficient heating/insulated homes.
  • Poorest people often can't manage their heating.
Need I go on? Basically VAT and the Green Tax is a Robin Hood in reverse Tax, making the poorest pay the most so the Rich get richer.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

James Jordan agrees Claudia is a flop

Ex Strictly Dancer James Jordan mouths off about the Strictly bosses who sacked him but kept "dumbo black widow" Claudia in the show to replace Sir Bruce.

I can't believe how dumb they must be - surely this will be the last series, "D" list celebrities and Claudia must turn people off.

X Factor wins this year I predict.

Oh, and Privatise the BBC - I don't want to pay for this rubbish - do you?

Privatise the BBC - £1000 bounty to catch dodgers

TV on the Taxpayers? Ludicrous in the 21st Century. Why put people in prison for watching TV. When there are all the alternatives to the BBC - all Private and they can make money WHY do we have to pay the Licence fee? Its a TAX on entertainment.

They could save all the money in the courts hounding people and making criminals out of them and in this time of austerity we can't afford a £145 a year tax. I've had no pay-rise for 5 years yet MPs are to get 10% whether they want it or not.

Privatise the BBC and do away with the Licence fee. Public service TV can be paid for out of levy on all of the TV channel providers SKY can afford  bit.

Sunday 14 September 2014

"5 day lag" on your iPhone - not synching emails/no data

If you are not apparently not getting your GSM signal and/or no data downloading try this.

I spoke to Vodafone and they suggested this.

They said the phone had a "5 day lag" - I'm not sure what this means but they suggest that you "reset the Carrier"

On the phone go to 
It should be set to "Automatic"
Turn off "Automatic"
It should Search then for available networks.
Select one - not Vodafone, or whatever your normal carrier is, 
Set back to automatic
(it should fail)
Repeat and select Vodafone (or your normal Carrier) again and set back to Automatic.
This should resolve the data problem.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Some Acronyms for Telephone protocols

WCTP - Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol - a standard message delivery for Internet communications to a wireless provider (both HTTP and HTTPS are supported)
SMTP - Simple Mail Transport Protocol - an email protocol used by many wireless providers

UCP -  Universal Computer Protocol - a delivery protocol for analog modem, or direct serial communications to a wireless provider
GSM-AT - Global System for Mobile communication AT Command Set - a method used to communicate with a directly connected mobile phone or wireless modem for end-to-end wireless message delivery

Touch-Tone - DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) - a way to deliver touch tone messages to older numeric-only pagers and similar equipment
Fax - Facsimile Machines - message delivery to destination Fax machines via faxmodem

Raw-Serial - transmission of message text over a standard serial port (direct connect or via modem)
Raw-TCP - transmission of message text to a host via a TCP/IP connection SNPP - Simple Network Paging Protocol - a standard message delivery protocol for Internet communications to a wireless provider
TAP - Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol - the standard message delivery protocol for analog modem, or direct serial communications to wireless providers

Thursday 11 September 2014

Big Brother Watching?

This has not surprised me, actually surprised they don't make more use of it.

Tesco, e.g. you use your "Clubcard" so they have all your details, what you buy where, when etc. Don't htey see a pattern? Look at thousands of shopppers, even with out Clubcard they've got the PLU's on their system as they scan the stuff at the checkout. Yet we go to Tesco or on-line and they don't have what we want!

Appalling - no wonder they're losing the Supermarket race.

Thinks about it every time you shop/buy and use a card they know where you bought and what. The Banks could use this in conjunction with retailers to do some sort of marketing/deals.

Data Mining I call it. Again surprised there isn't more targeted stuff. Or better service.

Who will start doing this and win the race?

Scotland vote.

I predict a yes. Not logical but the people are fed up. Aren't we all. Like we'd vote to come out of Europe.

Friday 5 September 2014

Monday 1 September 2014

No to Asserby Windfarm - Victory for Louth Canal Protesters

Uncle Eric is helping the ANTI fight and has stopped the appeal over the Louth Canal Windfarm. Maybe there is hope for us *AGAINST the Asserby Farm?

I hope so.

We've just had a holiday in West Cumbria and they have a lot of Turbines along the coast and in the Sea. Seems reasonable as its quite hilly and the one out at sea aren't noticable and its quite windy. However travelling back I did notice a lack of Turbines between there and here (Lincolnshire) it was not until you get to the M18 that you see the Goole farms and so it goes on, with all those planned for East Lindsey might as well call it "turbine County" not "Bomber County".

Doesn't make sense.