Tuesday 27 January 2015

BBC standards slipping

The BBC standards are slipping.

I'm fed up with lurid news items on the 6pm news and Look North. They mention Rape/War/Sex, show bodies etc.

Yes this is WELL before the "watershed" and BBC Director Tony Hall seems to think this is OK?

I DO NOT. I have a 4 year old and would expect that the 6pm news - being before the Watershed is OK for her to see. How do you explain Rape to a 4 year old.

Yes I realise that in these days of on-line viewing, catch-up TV, YouTube etc children can access all sorts of dubious material and filth but if you leave you child in front of the TV at 5-7pm shouldn't you expect some minimum standards?

At the end of the day maybe I should not allow the NEWS to be on at all but at 6pm they should tone it down.

I have noticed that Films are shown in an afternoon that were released as PG or 15 and now in in an afternoon, 3pm or 4pm young children could be watching - surely the Board odf Film Censors has not got an expiry date after which their rating miraculously disappears and all is OK?

I do despair. After all WE OWN the BBC don't we. It is a Public service just like having your Bins emptied that we pay TAX for.

I give up - PRIVATISE THE BBC - get rid of it and save the £3billion - spend it on the NHS.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Mental illness is terminal, or can be?

Mental Illness is terminal

Yes the NHS is told to spend more money on mental illness. Its shocking how mentally ill people are abandoned and the consequences are dire for them and others.

Another example - mentally ill woman kills pensioner.

Savers are still abandoned

Yes good old HMG launched the Pensioner bonds paying a whopping 4% interest

ABOUT TIME TOO - but Ok if you're 65 plus!

but what about the rest of us? Remember we funded the Banks bales out to the tune of £6000 per person and interest rates plummeted to 1% or less.

If HMG want money to pay for stuff (and they do) "borrrowing" it from us in the form of savings/bonds is ideal they could at least help us out for helping them out (the Banks) saving their bacon but plunging us into recession. It been the worst 5 year in my life don't know about you?

I 've been looking and most savings account pay around 0.5 to 1.5% at best and then you have to lock it away for years.

I despair but what can we do. Nowt will happen.

Monday 19 January 2015

Captain Phillips 2013

As always Tom Hanks and his acting carries this film, much like Castaway.

Gripping drama but with just a few "why did they do that?" moments.

5* for me.

Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January

It is Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January. It will be the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Events in Paris and recently demonstrate that lessons are still to be learned of Man's inhumanity to Man.

HMD is about reminding us not just of the events 70years ago- but of every act of Genocide and Hate Crime that still occurs.

Watch this programme on BBC2 thursday 21:30.
Holocaust survivor Freddie Knoller (now in his 90s) tells his personal story of being a young Jewish man during World War II.
There won't be many more actual survivors to tell the stories. If they tell one person though then the memory survives to remind us of the HORROR.

Look at what is happening in Cameroon today.

What is this about in Niger?

We tolerate all faiths, colours and creeds in Britain - providing they obey our laws.

If what they want to do is against our law then why don't they leave and go somewhere where they can practice it? For example in Abu Dhabi we cannot drink alcohol and if we visit there we respect their laws.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Paris atrocities.

Max Hastings sums up neatly what I was thinking - "why?". "What are these so called Muslims fighting for?".

Apart from the failure of the Paris Police to let them escape in the first place, I ask can anyone explain exactly what these Radical Muslims think that they are fighting against?

Perhaps Max is right that we don't understand because who is the enemy? Its not another country with borders. Its an ideology and religion. Its not so long ago that we were persecuting fellow Christians for having a different way of worshipping. After 2000 years of Christianity we are only just coming to terms with it so how do we expect Muslims who are much younger to evolve into a similar state.

I well remember the IRA campaign in the 70's and 80's again we struggled to understand "why?" and treated them merely as criminals but that didn't stop them.

I don't know what the answer is but we MUST keep up the vigilance and find out potential attackers before they attack. They are anywhere and everywhere. Yes it will diminish our civil liberties but don't blame the authorities its the criminals and terrorists who are doing it. What is the alternative?

rita ora one show

Come on get a life. Rita Ora looked very smart. What is wrong, everyone has a body, nothing rude about Rita Ora there.
What upset me was the Look North news just before , an item going into graphic detail about Sex and rape! How do you explain that to a 5 yr old? She didn't look twice at Rita or a, just a pretty lady.The BBC must get its priorities right. News bulletins before 7pm should not be unsuitable for small children.

Maybe is they Privitised theBBC and saved us the £3.5billion a year = spend is on the NHS not mere "entertainment". Rita gets allegedly £500k for flashing her cleavage? where have I misunderstood this?

Thursday 8 January 2015

Oil - where to go?

we're all pleased that the price of Petrol/diesel is falling but should we worry?

It was not that long ago that we all were hurting as the Government slapped on regular duty rises to put us off using oil.

So what's changed?

The recession has choked demand, the Arabs are still pumping and the Us has shale oil and gas.

What's happening and why we should be worried - well a bit.

If the price keeps falling then a lot of oil companies will go under and it won't be worth Fracking and getting the  hard to get to oil out.


But what will happen is the Arabs will end up with a Monopoly! they will buy out all these falling companies as their share prices crash - good strategy eh? but where will this lead us - World Domination by the Arabs etc.

Possibly a worse threat to to world stability that Al Qaeda or ISIS.

Watch this space.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Skegness V Blackpool

Some folk seem to wonder why Skeggy doesn't have more year around visitors and have looked at Blackpool. To compare its just easier to say what Blackpoool has, mostly verything that Skeggy doesn't!

Sea Front (long one),
Pleasure Beach
3 x piers,
Motorway to get there,
Trams (equates to public Transport),
Hotels (plenty of them),
Lake District Near

Sunday 4 January 2015

Gone Girl - 2014 film

Gone Girl - well, just don't make any assumptions.
It flips one way to the other - dead/alive, kidnapped/murdered, something else, did he /didn't he, good guy/bad guy/girl?

Anyway kept my attention for almost 2.5hrs. In the end just left a puzzle - not stisfying really. Those films where you just don't walk backwards or go into a darkened cellar etc.

Kim Dickens, detective Rhonda boney, deserves her own film, I think she has a sensible head.


guardians of the Galaxy

guardians of the Galaxy. good film. 4*. liked the 70's music. waiting for part 2 now. one of Vin Diesel's best films - oscar wining performance!

Thursday 1 January 2015

broadband scam?

Anyone else noticed these "enticing" superfast broadband offers on at the moment? To me the only thing is they say in the small print " landline rental at £17 per month"! Outrageous. Nearly all within a few pence. No discounts. Seems only just over a year ago line rental was around £11 a month. How has it changed?
I predict soon we'll all go Mobil. Stuff their line rental. What a waste all this upgrading to superfast.