Monday 30 September 2013

Make the Unemployed do something

2 things here.

  1. Why make folk forever - till they drop - when there are folk (younger) who need jobs?
  2. People can't be beaten in to getting jobs.
If the long term unemployed genuinely can't get jobs look into why?

  1. Help older folk retire and give their job to the unemployed
  2. Maybe they need training/educating?

We are told often enough that there is a shortage of skilled people so TRAIN them.

It starts in schools  - too many young folk end up as NEETS. We need to stop this else we end up funding them in a life on the dole.

Set up some training for them. I remember years ago I was unemployed and got on a Manpower Services 30 week course, got paid a reasonable allowance and expenses and trained in Computer Programming. Started a new career and still doing it.

It can be set up with Companies, they train you, they help you look for a job.

I certainly don't agree with a "life on the dole", but more carrots (with strings).

Maybe the MPs could do with more "helpers" - that would save money then they wouldn't have to"employ" their families!

Sunday 29 September 2013

CO2 killing the planet?

Great idea to contain the CO2 but why can't they pipe it into greenhouses and boost plant growth. Using solar power the plants convert CO2 back to starch and grow.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Marriage tax break at last

Hoorah David Cameron has at last conceded to give the promised tax break for married couples. But you'll not get it until tax year 2015/16. In time for the election ?
Maybe he thinks he needs a few more votes.
Good though and why shouldn't the government favour marriage, a contract has to mean something . Otherwise why bother ?

Thursday 26 September 2013

Where are the Heads-Up displays?

Given how Long fighter pilots and F1 drivers have had Heads-UP displays I wonder why they are not standard in today's cars?

Look here "fantastic they are putting them in for Motorcyclists in their Helmets"

I would have thought instead of old-fashioned dashboard dials etc the important stuff - like SPEED should be on the heads-Up display.

Makes sense?

Besides I've no objection to an "intelligent " car telling me I'm going over the speed limit. I don't want to speed. Today with the Sat-Navs and GPS - they put them in your Mobile phones I think it should be compulsory for all speed limits to be "mapped" and beamed down to sour smart cars so where ever you are they know the speed on the road where you are, the car knows the limit and how fast you are driving and either warns you when you are say 5mph of the Max or warns yo when you've gone over a\nd won't in fact let you exceed it by more Than 5mph.

I'm all for this. I hate it when an unfamiliar road is poorly marked with the limit/ I err on  safe side. I was near Whitehaven and although a dual carriage way the lamp post were very close, I believe the Highway Code tells you this indicates a 30mph! after a long way and being severely overtaken I at last saw 1 small repeater saying 50mph. Shame on them. The locals knew of course. Then there's a short 2 mile stretch - no central carrier with National Speed limit - outrageous.

Rant over.

No 2 asserby Windfarm and Turbines everywhere, except for m

Are you happy to pay your £34 to make the Turbine builders Millionaires?
What have I said before, don't forget that of your typical annual bill of £1300 5% is VAT, or £65 so the Government keeps getting a bigger share of the profits as well as prices keep rising.

Mr Milliband is thinking right, but what he should do is remove VAT on the first £1000 of your bill. Its the poorest who are trying to save money by cutting back who pay the most. Tariffs for prepayment are the highest and often these folk are on benefits or fixed incomes. They cut back to save but still pay tax to keep warm when they pay no Tax on their income - come on Mr Milliband do the Labour thing.

Yet - I can't have a Domestic Turbine in my garden Planning Permission won't allow!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

EDF and the rest of the Energy Dimwits

At last Monday EDF came to swap my meter. Granted they were 2 hours after the agreed time but they did call to arrange to be late (nice of them). Yesterday TUESDAY I got a text message informing me that the engineer would be calling to change my meter.....when?.....Monday 23rd!
Thanks EDF.

You see I switched to EDF for a cheaper deal but then they said I had to have Economy 7 because I had a dual rate meter! No argument. I have NO storage heaters etc, never have.
"Why can't you just add the 2 figures together (night+day) EOn did.?"
"No we can't you'll have to have your meter swapped.Well do it free"
"Fine - go ahead"
So he came and took a perfectly good digital meter out and replaced it with a second hand digital but "wheels" single rate meter.

Crazy. So many other Energy companies can't add 2 numbers together. Its funny though they rake in vast sums and make huge profits. So they must have some people who can manipulate the figures. Always in their favour!!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

nurses from Spain and Portugal

why does NHS lincolnshire have to go abroad for 40 nurses ? don't we train nurses here any more? Surely there are loads of youngsters who would like to nurse. maybe its because now its got to be a Degree or nothing . why not set up apprenticeships so they can learn on the job and go as far as they want?

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Fat Blocks the sewer

I have never understood why the Council tells you to "wash your food containers before placing in the recycling bin".

I'm not going to,

a) it wastes water and I'm on a water meter
b) Anglian Water tell you NOT to put food waste down the drains! 

See this story, all the waste washed down the drains eventually can block the drains. So who do you obey?

The Water Company - not the council i say.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

CT Scan of your abdomen. What they don't tell you.

What they don't tell you.

Day before - an appointment to "test" you.

Light breakfast, poached egg and /or white toast.

At the hospital, 30ml of Gastrografin is swallowed(tastes like petrol).

They observe you for 20mins to see if you feel OK. If Ok then you can go.

Taking home the Laxative. 

At home take the laxative - Picolax - in a tumbler of warm water. Choose a large glass, half fill warm water and mix in the powder, stirring. It will fizz like "Andrews". Keep stirring to dissolve as much as possible. When cooled drink. Tastes vaguely like "off lemonade".

It worked quick for me only 10mins later I was going to the toilet. Diahorrea. This goes on regularly till bedtime, and is unpleasant. Wet bum, getting sore, smelly mess in toilet - warn relatives.

Light lunch and then take next Gastrografin (30ml).

3:30-4pm take next Picolax,

5pm - take next Gastrografin (30ml).

Next morning, breakfast, poached egg and /or white toast.

At hospital before scan, last chance to empty bowels.
Then take ALL my clothes off, put gown on. Clothes etc in a bag. (they could let me keep my socks on or have some disposable slippers, who know what's been on the floor), although it did look clean.
Nurse inserts cannula into arm, like a "blood test" but stays in.

Then for scan, if a Bowel scan, they want to insert a tube up your bottom, which pumps air in slowly. just relax.
Through the cannula they inject Buscopan, a drug that paralyzes your bowel so it doesn't move. It just feels warm going in and may cause blurred vision.
They may need to inject dye this goes in and makes you warm, may feel like you're going to wet yourself but nothing happens, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Just relax.

When they're ready you lie on the bed which then moves through the scanner. In my case a disembodied voice spoke to me. No one pre-warned me and I could hardly make out what it said, a bit like a bad Sat Nav. I guessed more or less what it was.

"take 2 deep breaths"
"hold your breath for 5  seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. " While you're propelled through the scanner.
"Breathe normally"

Don't worry stay relaxed and listen.

This repeated 3 times. On the 3rd time the machine started to spin wildly, like something from Stargate SG1. Then the nurses can out.

They wanted me to turn over. On my Front now, hands above my head. Watch the Cannula, now back through the doughnut.
Disembodied sat-Nav voice again.

"take 2 deep breaths"
"hold your breath for 5  seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. "
"Breathe normally"

All over. 

I had my air tube removed. Then I could go In to a toilet and get dressed. "Empty your bowels of the air" nurse said. 
Tried but nothing happened. I think it was because the Buscopan, had paralysed everything inside. Anyway I felt OK. The nurse then took the cannula out, and put a plaster over the hole. I was given a cup of tea and a biscuit (three actually). I was shown to the waiting area where I was reunited with my wife.
After  20mins I had drunk the tea, felt fine and could leave. You're advised not to drive for 2 hours afterwards as you may be affected with blurred vision. 

My wife drove me home. Great, I could have nice meal. Eventually the air did work its way out. Worst thing was the cannula, where it had been was sore and my arm bruised.

Monday 9 September 2013

Kent Crossing Pile up - BAD drivers

Its not the FOG that made them crash its BAD driving.

 Drive as fast as the distance you can see to stop! Lesson - if you drive into thick fog HOW do you know there isn't stationary traffice just ahead? Can you stop if there is - patently 130 people didn't know and were going too fast. Serves thenm right except for those who did stop and got whacked up the *rse! 

What about these STEALTH drivers? THick fog the other morning 1:3 drivers no lights. 

If you don't have headlights on then you're as visible in the fog as a brick wall except yopu are moving. If someone hits you or pulls out if front or a pedestrian crosses in front then its YOUR fault - idiot.

Friday 6 September 2013

moral breakdown in society

i blame the breakdown in society's moral values and kids horrid behaviour on the lack of families sitting down together for an evening meal and NOT having the TV on! Talking is what is needed.

My 3yr old Granddaughter eats beautifully at table with knife and fork. She's been doing it (eating at table) since she was born. Teach them your good habits straight away and they accept it.

Monday 2 September 2013

Credit Card insurance Fraud

Ever had Credit Card insurance or Identity Fraud insurance? Heard of CPP? You may be entitled to Compensation - I think I am - read this.

Also read this - I'm not selling anything.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Fish recipe

try this recipe - we are

No to Asserby Wind Farm and Farms everywhere

Look at the Government statistics for your area.

Not about wind farms but look at the stats for your area. This part of Lincolnshire (on the coast) is very below average for the country. The demographic profile is for older people and their problems (health etc). IF the Government is pouring milllions into the area - THE MONEY GOING TO THE TURBINE OPERATORS - why don't they do the MORAL thing and spread it around the area for the benefit of the residents and not just the few FAT CATS who are just getting FATTER! It s the reverse ROBIN HOOD syndrome - rob the poor togive to the rich! Just to appease the Bureaucrats in Brussels.