Saturday 31 May 2014

death for Faith ? surely in the 21st century world world we don't kill people for Faith? are we going back to the middle ages and Saladin ? we Will have the Crusades next. where are the Moslem condemnations of this barbaric act?
our government must act on this. so should USA we need freedom of faith it is a basic human right .

Monday 19 May 2014

Did Malaysian flight MH370 Crash?

What did I say on March 17th - "was the flight MH370 deliberately hidden?"

They don't use Radar now its called ADS-B and it can be switched off!

The Malaysian Prime Minister is accusing the CIA of a coverup?


Sunday 18 May 2014

Claudia keeps it simple?

Yes, Tess and Claudia appear together at the Arqiva TV BAFTA Awards 2014.

the article says it all. Simple Claudia. I feel sorry for Tess, she does look a little uncomfortable.

Can't the BBC get John Barrowman? He can sing, dance and is an excellent entertainer whereas Claudia Winkleman is er, err.......

Thursday 15 May 2014

Prisoners Need Books and Educating

Simon Heffer Mail on Sunday 3rd May advocates educating prisoners as poor education is often behind offending. I agree, also banning books is symptomatic of a Totalitarian Society!

However I go further Why don't we educate everyone to a minimum standard ion schools?

Its obviously too late when they've broken the law and ended up in Prison.

I've always said I was educated enough by 11 yrs to function happily in society, why can't that be done for everyone? Kids that are uneducated are the ones that "hang around" kick their heels and get into trouble.

Investment here would pay dividends for our society in the long run. We don't perpetually want an underclass of criminals do we.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Bbc dj sacked for a clarkson

David Lowe played a 1930's version of song "the Sun has got its hat on" which unfortunately contained that "n" word so he had to resign.

Remember Jeremy Clarkson used the dreaded "N" word - or did he. Well he wasn't sacked. (When I  say "N" word you know what I mean so why can't I say it?).

As I said before - its just a word. What is wrong with us now.

Yes racism is offensive as is any form of abuse /discrim ination but people have to get real.

Or are the Thought Police really stepping up their game?

This is rewriting history don't you think? No harm was intended so why take offence its just an expression.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Claudia takes over Strictly

Well that's it then, I won't be watching.

The beginning of the end. Claudia Winkleman is to take over Strictly from Sir Bruce! WHat can I say?

Sublime to the ridiculous.

They've kept it  quiet though haven't they, no  fanfare. Why is this woman taking over?

What's wrong with John Barrowman?

I do think some people at the BBC want Strictly to die?

Saturday 10 May 2014

BBC still creaming it on our taxes

Daily mail sat 4th may staff overpaid . Paid more than their grade to show their reducing top managers in a sleight of hand. Typically on over £65k. Scandalous . If it was local Government there'd be an out cry. Remember we all pay for the bbc on our licence fee. Entertainment benefit !
Privatise the BBC

Putin is great? For us!

Putin is to be feared. We need to be prepared to stand up to him. We need the wake up call. For too long now we've been complacent sitting back and getting fat. We are cutting our armed forces and being weak. So maybe soon Putin  Will test us for real. He is showing us up. No sitting back getting fat for him. Like it or not he is galvanising his country and they Will be a formidable foe both militaryly and economically. We need stomach this. We need the kick up the backside. Suppose there was a war, all our young people would have purpose, no unemployment. Not nice to sacrifice lives but what about the wasted lives, drugs , and idleness make? Living death for many.
We'll see eh?

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Life sentence?

How can it be that a prisoner serving multiple life sentences is allowed "out" of an open prison - less than 12 years afterwards ? How long is LIFE one may ask.

Saturday 3 May 2014

BGT Outrage

Inappropriate dancers cavorting before the watershed?
Britains got Talent is pushing the boundaries .
Personally its not a program that entertains me. Simon Cowell is there with Jeremy Clarkson as irritating as a mosquito bite.
Why a watershed? In these days of catchup tv and the internet kids can watch what they want when they want . It used to be that parents could be sure that before 9pm it was safe to let their children watch TV. Not so now. Even dull soaps are now spiced up at ant time of day. Topics whilst sometimes sanitised are not suitable viewing for children as young as 5. Corrie is not kids tv. I blame parents . They let children have tv and iinternet with no control. They get dvd s and games  from older children. Do parents know.
How DO we police this?

Thursday 1 May 2014

Clarkson has a foul mouth?

So Jezza has put his foot in it again,? Using a "naughty" word.

Now I'm not a fan of Jeremy Clarkson, he does not amuse me and irritates like mosquito bite but on this occasion I am with him.

What is it with these "Language Police"? Certain words are now banned, they used to be OK but now you can't say them because you might "offend" someone.

For heaven's sake they are only a collection of letters pronounced In a certain way. Where is the offence? Surely it is the context that they are used. Will the Thought-Police ban all words that have other meanings that offend, its like 1984, Newspeak? Rewriting history will be next - the Holocaust never happened? Did William the Conqueror invade us or was he invited?

What about "Bl*ck Labradors" - will they all have to be Euthanized or given another name? "Un-white Labradors". Gosh I'm getting paranoid now - what dare I write - someone may get offended?

Didn't Guy Gibson, Dambuster and War Hero call his dog this "N" name? Now I hear they can't use it in the latest film of the Dam Busters!

Re-writing history has started.
