Monday 30 June 2014

No to Asserby Windfarm - Application is in.

No to Asserby Windfarm
Contacting ELDC Planning

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Search View and Comment on Planning Application
Then scroll down to Search for a planning application - click

Now Search type Asserby,
Click Search

Don’t forget to Register so you can lodge your objection, see my pages on How to lodge and objection, what to say and how to say it.

Sunday 29 June 2014

No to Asserby Windfarm

Isn't it ludicrous to bring htese Giant monsters along single track roads with dykes either side?

LOOK - a giant Turbine Transporter crashed off the road. Now this was a main "A" road and it couldn't cope. How will they cope with our narrow and single track roads with Dykes either side? Its just ludicrous to think that they seriously believe that this will be OK.

It appears that the probable route they will brig the Asserby turbines includes Grimsby-Louth - Legbourne - Woodthorpe - Beesby - Hagnaby (yes really along that single track road) with many modifications to accommodate the huge lorries. 105tonnes! Will they be conveyed or spread out - they will have to close roads and have a police exscort! We couldleaflet the route perhaps and put signs up? Especially Beesby/Hagnaby etc? typical transporter. I guess they will need  66HGV journeys a day over the 9 month construction period (great eh for the residents of Beesby/Hagnaby (of course avoiding Bilsby and Alford!).rising to 88 per day on concrete pouring days - how much concrete? 1 tonne concrete = 1 tonne of CO2 produced!! (very green - not?).

Saturday 28 June 2014

Free Fuel?

What i would invent is a car powered by water.

 Don't laugh.

Electric cars are ok but limited mileage huge heavy batteries won't help and they're expensive and environmentally unfriendly.

What i'd do is use solar energy fuel cells to create hydrogen from water. This could be stored not as a gas but as a livid in a foam using a form of absorbent catalyst. Then to drive it would be a hydrogen powered turbine generating electricity to power the car. Small batteries to provide starting etc. Hydrogen produces water when burnt recycled to be used again! Simple.

Just haven't perfected it yet.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Travellers move on?

Here we go again Travellers set up camp somewhere illegally but bizarly it takes days to evict them legally.
Skegness Car Park - I hope they all got their tickets from the machines properly and were parked in the correct bays? Ha Ha!! Bet not. Will they get fined? Of course not.
Why do  some laws apply to some people (residents who pay Council Tax) but not others?
travellers 3
If they want to camp - there are loads of sites along the coast. East Lincolnshire is the Caravan Capital. Bet they don't want to pay either its their Human Right?

Victory for Villagers! Good on you, except they're breaking the law!

Doctors in meltdown

So they say our GPs are in meltdown ? You might have to wait 1 or 2 weeks to  see your doctor. if i could get to see my doctor in 2 weeks, great. It took me a month. They won't book any in advance. I have a job. They expect you to ring up on the day at8:30. When you get through all the appointments have gone! What can you do?

Sunday 22 June 2014

Who is EnergieKontor?

German companies come here and exploit our subsidies for "green" energy, which we don't need. They take the money and laugh at us.
Wind Power is NOT GREEN. Its an industrial mess designed to make clever European's rich!
Look at EnergieKontor. A Small company designed t exploit English planning laws to get rich quick.
They don't make anything they just get some gullible landowners to sign up to building Turbines os EnregiKontor can take the subsidies and move on to their next  scam, Who win> EnergieKontor.

Who loses? British Taxpayers.

Do you think the several people who work for EnergieKontor in Leeds live next to WindFarms? No, they get rich  exploiting landowners and the flabby Government rules that pay these folk for ruining our countryside.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

BBC free licence?

More and more people are realising that a) you can watch TV without a TV and b) then you don't need a TV licence.
Too right. its about time it was free for all. Why should the BBC exist paid for out of a house tax? Sky, ITV are commercial. The BBC should be privatised. Why should people in the 21st Century have Entertainment on Benefits? Entertainment is NOT a social service or necessity HMG. £32 billion pounds could be used to help the NHS?
Yes - provide some public service broadcasting but that can be out of general taxations.

Monday 16 June 2014

militants in Iraq

so again Iraq is torn by fighting and its Muslims v Muslims. We get so used to radical Islam militants here and them fighting us and our way of life we forget that really they hate everyone.

It is so sad that people cannot "love thy neighbour" - why do they have to fight, surely they have a common religion?

Reminds me of the "troubles"  in Ireland when it was Christians v Christians.

Nothing changes?

Sunday 15 June 2014

I thingk Daily Mails wrong

Tracking Aircrat we do not use Radars (sic) (Daily mail can't spell [plural of Radar is Radar - no matter they're ignorant!).

Today we don't use Radar to track aircraft its done on computers using ADS-B

Basically the Plane says where it is using a "network" signal.

This has bee proved to be hackable and who knows what data the Air traffic control are "seeing" .

Hence disappearance of flight MH370.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Energy prices up or down?

So now because apparently Wholesale Gas prices have halved this year and the campaign is to get the Energy Companies to cut their prices.

Actually I AM in favour of saving the planet. We need to cut down on energy use, that is the best way until FUSION power is here. It will be decades before we don't need to use Fossil fuels and its those that are contributing to the CO2. Reduce GAS prices we just use more! This is the argument for FRACKING - cheap energy. It just means more CO2 and so more Turbines to offset it!

WASTE OF TIME - cut down!!

Remember that 5% is VAT - good old HMG get more as prices rise!

To me this is unfair on the poorest. Often they are stuck with the highest tariffs so proportionately pay the highest TAX. The rich can shop around and when you're on a big wad Heating bills are insignificant!

Why TAX those on benefits?

I say CUT the VAT on all bills less than £2000 per year and scrap the GREEN levy. Taxing the poor to pay the rich is immoral.

Why all the Windfarms and Solar panels? Its Cos you get DOUBLE your money in subsidies!! HaHa!

Hasn't anyone noticed?

I despair.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Salute to D Day veterans

I salute all the D Day soldiers, sailors and airmen who risked all for their country and our futures.

It saddens me though to think that the world in which we live today has some crazy values but they fought for the right to have these crazy values?

Amanda Platell in the Daily Mail sums it up, do we respect our old people, no we put them in homes out of sight out of mind. Where is our respect for age and wisdom?

In the 40's/50's people were grateful for what they had, now they expect everything on a plate even thought they've done nothing to justify it. Its your Human Right to it eh?

Wednesday 4 June 2014

ChippingS oddrivers

CHIPPINGS Sod Drivers!
BAH! Why is it Chipping season? The Council see fit to crack windscreens and chip paintwork! Should be a law against it. Especially NOT A Roads.To be fair its actually Stupid motorists. They ignore the 20 mph signs and spray you with stones. Company car divers? or just idiots? I was overtaken by White Van-man and another idiot for observing the limit. The road has only been done that day (they've done the road out side our house. Not only do they NOT observe 20 they are now exceeding the 30 limit. Of course no Police to catch anyone.

Now How long are these signs supposed to stay up?

These have been up over a week now. The "sweeper" has been and cleared the chippings so the road is 90% normal now - vehicles are travelling as fast as they like! SO this means that they IGNORE the 20mph signs - why bother they think?

This is WRONG - I obey and get overtaken as an obstacle!! rightly so but just doing my duty as a law abiding motorist. I blame the Highways people they should take the signs down when time has passed then drivers know that when the signs are there you MUST OBEY!

Monday 2 June 2014

James and Artem have gone!

So James and Artem have left Strictly. I wonder why?

Artem arguably the best male dancer by a mile - nearly won last year again.

Shame but as we know if Bruce leaves and "that woman" is a regular its down hill all the way. I know the BBC want to kill it off.

Why not John Barrowman - what is he upto. Pity its not on ITV then they'd care about ratings..


Do you really want Entertainment as a Benefit from your taxes? We can save £150 a household.

At least Ola is still there.