Thursday 24 November 2016

Why are the Tories alienating the Grey voters?

Interest rates are a joke to over 55s. My bank just told me its reducing its rates to a wonderful 0.01%!! Really? That actually means 10p a year for every £1000 I have saved. Seriously if Pensioners cannot get anything on their savings yes they'll spend it but not on stuff to help the economy just on living, food, heating etc. Then when its gone they'll expect handouts to live hence its self defeating of the Government. They'll not forgive them.
Nice to hear that they've set up a wonderful 2.2% Bond with NS&I, but you can only put £3k in it that's a wonderful income of £66 per year. What will i get for that, maybe 6 bottles of cheap wine. Ridiculous.

I'd be better buying premium bonds. If my £1000 gets just one £25 prize a year I'm in front.

Don't HMG get it they should be using pensioners savings to invest in the economy and generating growth. If they offered a decent rate say 5% then pensioners would invest in Government bonds.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Struggling with Meraki MDM and Apple Configurator?

What they don't explain in the manuals took me a while to figure out so I hope this helps.

Setting up Meraki to use DEP and MDM
1 Setup DEP in Meraki
Linking Systems Manager to Apple DEP
In order to use the Apple DEP with Systems Manager, a Systems Manager deployment must be linked to an organization within DEP. These steps assume an Apple ID for the organization has already been created, as outlined in the Device Enrollment Program Guide.
In Dashboard, navigate to Organization > Configure > MDM, then scroll down to the Apple Device Enrollment Program section.
Download the Meraki_Apple_DEP_cert.pem file provided.
Apple bit
In another browser window, go to and sign in with the Apple ID tied to the desired organization.
Navigate to Device Enrollment Program > Manage Servers.
Click Add MDM Server.
Enter a Name for the MDM server in DEP, then click Next.
Click Choose File... and upload the public key downloaded in step 2, then click Next.
Download the server token provided, then click Done.
This is a “smime.p7m” file.
Back in Dashboard, click on the Choose File button in step 3.
Select/upload the server token downloaded in step 8.
Choose the default Systems Manager network where devices tied to this MDM server in DEP will be enrolled.
Click Save Changes.

Setup Apple Configurator 2 for your Meraki MDM Server, (Manual enrolment)

Get the URL for the Meraki MDM Server

In yor Meraki Dashboard go to Systems Manager > MDM > Add Devices > iOS > Apple Configurator > Enrollment URL (AC2+)
What you actually need is the bit on the screen that says

Apple Configurator
Another option for installing the management profile on a large number of devices is the Apple Configurator. Below is a link to the management profile for your network. Download and import the profile into the Apple Configurator to enroll devices.

Management profile  meraki_sm_mdm.mobileconfig
With Apple Configurator 1.5+ you have the option to provide an MDM URL which the device must use to enroll during device setup.

Copy and paste this into a TXT file (I did any way so I could put it on my MAC)

Then in the Apple Configurator 2 You can setup your MDM Server.

Follow the instructions at the “Apple Configurator 2 - Manual Enrollment” Section.

On the MAC you need to go to, Apple Configurator 2PreferencesServers Tab . Click “+” to Add a server, Next > Enter Your Name (call it what you want “Meraki MDM Server” is what I used), then in Hostname or URL: copy and paste in the Enrollment URL from the TXT document on your Stick. As per above.

Now you can set up in Apple Configurator 2 your devices. First you have to create the Profiles and Blueprints that you are going to use, but this is another story.

Friday 18 November 2016

BBC licence fee should be optional?

The BBC licence fee is essentially an entertainment"Poll tax". Even Gary Lineker thinks that we shouldn't have to pay it.
If they privatised it then people could pay if they want to watch stuff like Eastenders. There should still be some public service broadcasting like the Proms and the news, but this can be paid by taxation.
Tory MP Andrew Bridger is against it too.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Should there be positive discrimination?

Why can't a white man play a black man in a film play? I think it's ridiculous to discriminate against white actors playing anything. It's not real after all! At the end of the day it's all objective. I don't watch soaps on TV, I don't like them but I wouldn't stop others. What I find objectionable others may like, so what.
Why are the "thought police" now destroying free speech in the name of political correctness. Soon we'll all be Winstons watched by Big Brother. I don't like this idea.
Gazza may have been offensive but was it not a private function? Anyone can say something offensive to someone else, it's not so much what word expression you use but the intention.
Let's all calm down and be broad minded before its too late and we are living in a totalitarian state. I feel discriminated against as a white,British,middle-class,person.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Pensioners could save this Government

For all these years of austerity HMG has been trying to get everyone to spend spend spend to get us out of the mess. But folk have no money and don't want to get in debt even if interest rates are low. They have a pensions crisis but no one wants to save because they he be no money and rates are abysmal. Yet all this is upside down. Now HMG wants to borrow money to start building. Great, good idea, but why not help poor pensioners out and get your money cheaply, how you ask. Set up special pensioner bonds offering reasonable interest rates to over 55s. They will buy in as now we get virtually nothing on our savings (less tax!).  Then with this money they can build the houses and railways etc.

Monday 19 September 2016

Too fat

Wish someone would tell me how these folk, too fat to go out do their shopping etc.yes I know they can shop online but they still have to move about, open the door, cook, etc. Unless some stupid person is pandering to them. If they can't eat, they'll soon slim.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Who are you?

Who are you, as a species we identify each other by our faces.  When you can't see someone's face you are instinctively suspicious.
Now I fully support anyone's right to wear what they want within reason. So for example covering your face is not allowed in rioting, and motorcyclist's are asked to remove their helmets on entering banks. So what about police we can't  identify? Suppose its fair enough when they are in riot gear but the rest, shouldn't we have the right to recognize them? So no veils etc. Sorry. This is Britain.

So some people don't get it, they ARE, using the dress as a religious statement and in the context of French rules that is the issue. Not WHAT you wear.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Electric con trick

electric cars are the future but while our power is mostly  generated by fossil fuel were kidding  ourselves they're green. What we really need is solar power and fuel cell powered cars. The only need water/hydrogen for fuel. Solar power can make hydrogen during daylight supplemented by a dose of hydrogen when needed. The  fuel cells convert it to power giving off water. No pollution.  When we switch to electric what's HMG going to do to fill the blackhole in its fuel duty?

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Do we need sex at work?

I have nothing against people of any orientation but why do they have to ram it down your throat at work?

To me it should not matter about Sex, there should be absolutely no discrimination on any grounds. Work is work. It's how you do your job not whether you're gay or not.

Please no SEX at work.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Electric cars are NOT green!

Why do governments promote electric cars, electricity – where does it come from? Power Stations, the majority are not green either.

Cars, electric near the cold arctic circle ought to be more efficient, the colder it is the better for electrical conductivity – no resistance at absolute zero!!

These cables for charging are as passes as landlines for phones, what you want is induction not Cables

The real green fuel is Hydrogen. Fuel  cells. run on hydrogen to produce power not batteries. 

Finally at one thought, HMG subsidising electric cars, what’s HMG going to do for revenue when we stop buying fuels and paying the enormous Duties on a  litre?

Tuesday 17 May 2016

BBC cutting again?

Here we go more cuts from the BBC, this time to their on-line web site.

Yet no cuts in the licence fee? We still are going to have to pay this entertainment tax for another 11 years. Why not save all the money and privatise the WHOLE BBC?

Let them find the money commercially and stop bashing the poor households. £3.5 billion pounds a year, that £35billion over 10 years for Eastenders, Strictly and Top Gear - why not let us put it to the NHS, I know where I'd like to put it.

Not to the unelected fat bureaucrats that sponge off the BBC for so-called managing it.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

BBC raking more in

So too right those who watch TV online have to have a TV Licence soon like the rest of us. BUT, why a tax on entertainment in the 21st Century? Privatise the BBC and abolish the Licence I say. Where does SKY get its money from?

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Trump bans Muslims?

Surely this is pathetic? Banning on grounds of belief? Belief is not terrorism, yes you might not share their beliefs but it is not a race issue. So are all British Muslims banned, what about Muslims already in USA?  Remember what Hitler and the Nazis did to Jews?

Sunday 8 May 2016

BBC relocation farce

Again evidence of massive incompetence in the BBC.  Moving staff a short distance and reward them. This is taxpayers money!  About time we privatise d the BBC and ended this waste and "entertainment" tax.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Pestered to upgrade to Windows 10? are you being pestered by Microsoft to upgrade to Windows 10? Here's how to stop it.
Ill upgrade when I'm ready.
Now Microsoft have made the update essential not optional.

Now here the sting Microsoft's going to charge you £130 on July 29th for you FREE Windows 10!

Inappropriate - a Sex War?

This current trend of ladies to accuse men of inappropriate behaviour at levels up to including rape has to me a sinister undercurrent. Yes some behaviour is definitely wrong and the men need to be punished. Not by social media but in a court. 
Let's be honest we are social animals have hormones drives and behaviours. This has evolved over thousands of years. Social media has only been around in a blink. Things will change. Meanwhile we are in dangerous women alienating all men as ergo they are all potential rapists? and a danger to women! This is patently rubbish but a real danger. These women need to act immediately to bat back the sex pests, or report them. Not waiting decades. Also with historical child abuse what purpose is served by endlessly chasing dead personalities?  Yes it was wrong and it did happen but everyone's perspective changes over time and things may not be actually real.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Don't understand - Criminal Deportees get State aid to stay?

How crazy. on the one hand sCameron and co are paying off the Nations debts by taking benefits away from the disabled and sick, yet let these scroungers who shouldn't even be  here continue to stay and claim benefits and live in rent-free housing?

Surely at the very least because of their status of "Benefit Fraudsters"they should be able to claim NOWT! while they await their hearing. Tough - but they've already had enough money falsely from the state. Bet they haven't paid back what they stole?

Kick 'em out immediately/

Sunday 10 April 2016

BBC to stop the mumbling?

Hooray, so they say that the BBC are to stop the mumblingbut will they turn down, or better OFF,the annoying music in Doctor Who? I can't hear the dialogue and have stopped watching it.

I didn't find a problem with Happy Valley, maybe it was about the "Northern Accents", which having lived in Halifax were very mild to reality.

So now they're going to "investigate" SS-GB? Well it didn't work last time. So a hundred or so twits complained. It was ok for me, bit dull, THE Halcyon is more exciting. I still ask why no one complains about the OTT music in Dr Who? 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Footballers setting bad example

Recent media coverage of Cheltenham races, and Adam Johnson show me that they are setting a bad example to impressionable young people at the least.
Remember Ched Evans, now he's appealing his Rape sentence and why not, its legal.

I ask though where does the FA stand? Why is there not a "code of professional conduct" so Footballers can be disciplined/struck off for bringing the game into disrepute or Crimes just like teachers can no longer teach if they are convicted of a Sex Crime. Footballers are no better than anyone else of above the Law.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Floating Solar Farm.

I've said it before - 2/3 of the earth is sea. Why don't they float solar panels on the sea some where sunny - south of Britain. No one can see them so no objections.

Must be cheaper that digging and building wind turbines. What effect does this have on the Lake life though?

Saturday 12 March 2016

Energy prices real scandal

Not mentioned, but its a scandal that energy prices are added to by HMG with 5% VAT and 11% "green" surcharge. As they go up so HMG gets more money. Its also the fact that most on pre-payments are either on low incomes or benefits thus HMG is making THEM pay over the odds to the Companies when HMG is paying them. If you work out the cost per unit they are proportionately more for the first units, plus the standing charge so again unfair to those on low incomes and trying to economise. But also if we had better insulation and lower energy appliances/lights etc we'd all save money. Then they give the companies building Nuclear billions in subsidies yet cut off the measly subsidy for solar panels on your roof. I despair - it will never make sense.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Windows 7 Enterprise “failing updates”

Windows 7 Enterprise “failing updates”
After scouring around I downloaded update KB3102810. Manually installed it, rebooted and tried updates again and hey presto they are now downloading (quickly) and guess what there are 216!!
I expected a lot for a new installation. So I’m letting it do them.
“good old “Microsh*t” – they have obviously corrected something along the way that stops updates downloading/installing properly but don’t tell you about a fix. Of course we’re all supposed to be using Win 10 now any way.
Happy computing

Saturday 13 February 2016

Shetland - BBC TV

Shetland on BBC TV is an enjoyable low detective story. Shetland looks quite bleak and fairly treeless. What i find incredulous is how DI Perez can  always get a signal on his mobile wherever he lives! I struggle to get a decent signal near Whitehaven Cumbria, and this is an urban area of 50000 population. Hey it's only fictional tv.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Solving refugee crisis

So Cameron throws more of our aid at the Syrian refugees and the EU wants to do the same.
The solution is to solve why they're leaving Syria. The west can end the conflict and help rebuild the country. Then the people won't want to flee.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Who funds ISIS - IS?

Here we go again. Pictures in the Daily Mail - ISIS using Toyota's - come on lets Boycott - Toyota - any company associated with IS should be boycotted?

Without the support/funding they'll wither and die? Thank fully the price of oil has plummeted thus their earnings on the black market from then oil they've plundered is also plummeting. They' welcome to the desert - who wants it. Yes  some peasant/indigenous populations are being repressed but we can help them.  Small cost.

At the end of the day they only survive due to the greedy few supporters in east and west.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Did Russia Murder Litvinenko?

Yes it was a horrible way to die and very unusual and bizarre. Having found the poisoning method though it seems to me a strange way to do it. Surly the KGB or whoever could have made him "disappear" in much more subtle way, so why use Polonium?
Its going to be very traceable and very dangerous for all those involved. You only need few molecules in your system to start the rot and their's no cure, so why?

If it was Putin and the KGB then I think they calculated that this would be the outcome, so what was behind it? To send a message to all spies/traitors/defectors that they will be found and dealt with?

Who knows.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Cheap oil - be worried?

Isn't it great I filled my car up at the weekend for 99.7p per liter.

Haven't seen it so low since 2009!

But whilst I like it, globally its not good you know.

Why? because the mega-oil companies will be in trouble and we'll not convert to energy-saving CO2 saving technologies. Only good thing is it isn't worth the Oil companies exploring more for oil/gas.

Live now pay later - you say - yes but what bout your Grandchildren?

Do we want the planet to "burn"?

Why buy an electric car at twice the price of a conventional one, why not get a gas guzzler - you can afford it.

Believe me we'll regret it soon, and the prices will rise. So be sensible, have some fun but don't count on it.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Proud to be British?

Yes lets all be honest and say "we are proud to be British and we value our culture and way of life".

People of any nationality, race, colour creed etc. are welcome here but they must respect our society culture and values. If they object to our way of life then there is the way home for them back to their country.
If we visit their country do they not expect us to respect their culture and way of life? - yes.

I say an end to appeasement and political correctness. We have our laws and anyone, yes anyone British or not who breaks them must face the full wight of our laws. All men are equal in our country.

Well said Katie Hopkins.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Not Electric cars - run them on water!

Toyota has the right idea a fuel cell car powered by Hydrogen. Electric cars - plugging them in is like old phones before Mobiles were invented. Won't catch on, or they can crack the "induction power charging"?

What they need is to be generating the Hydrogen from water - using solar power. Maybe just a top up at home - generate your own hydrogen from solar power all day every day. Fill up when you get home. Or they'll come up with solid Hydrogen, like say "beads"that you don't need a pressurised tank for - much safer.
Who knows?