Thursday 28 February 2013

Blair didn't end child poverty

Did you know Child Poverty is getting worse. You can help. Write to your MP.

Blair said he would end it, and he didn't.

East Lindsey has one of the country's worst rates.

Mablethorpe is up there with the worst areas. Over 40%. Manchester is worst with 47%.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Don't get caught Naked!

I hope you use protection - I mean for your computer?

It needn't be expensive there are good free ones out there.

If you're sensible and don't surf around then a couple of good simple free ones are:-


Don't take my word for it read the reviews.


Monday 25 February 2013

FAKE HMRC emails - don't be caught

Don't be caught out - HMRC NEVER email you.
Send your fake emails to this address.

They will go for them.

These people are THIEVES after your money

Saturday 23 February 2013

Surfing keeps you young

Its official the silver surfers  (over 50's) are keeping themselves young by using the internet and things like Facebook

Your writer here is one of those. Why can't we use technology?

Keeps us going eh?

Thursday 21 February 2013

Push electric cars

No not literally - the Government is trying to promote electric vehicles.

Lets face it  - who wants to pay £25k for a little car that only goes less than 100miles before you need to charge it, Where do you charge it?

Who can afford a £25k car?

Buy a £15k car and then you've got £10k to spend on f uel. Even at todays prices that goes a a long way!

At £1.40 a litre and 50mpg that woudl get you 350000 miles. Even at 35000 miles a year that would take you 10years motoring.

So next, I said yesterday the lights will goi off soon so how do you charge your electric car? Whene every home has one, that will drain the grid even more.

Then the Governments daft isdea is charging points every where. Imagine it - Electric bollards all along the streets.

  • Cables going to each car.
  • A Health and Safety nighmare. 
  • That's assuming the Vandals don't cut your cable, or worse.
  • Someone may trip over the cable and sue you. Forget its plugged in and drive off. 
  • Who's going to lay the cables to the bollards. 
  • Who's going to pay for the electricity?

Now lastly in a few years cables to cars will be as old hat as the Landline phone is now. We all have mobiles! Technology exists now to charge cars remotely like WiFi. Yes the cables need laying in the roads, but all you need is top park over it and the car charges. they can even be in the road providing power while you drive. A pilot scheme is running Europe for this already

Usual story Britain is years behind.

Wait and see. Monty told you first.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Energy - worse than higher prices - what to do when the lights go out?

We are blindly sleep walking into a crisis.

I could write a book on this but the future of energy in this country is bleak.

I am old enough to remember the rota cuts in tte 70's under Heath. Its not nice. It could happen here in 3 - 6 years.

We are using more and more energy even though it is getting more expensive yet supply must match demand. Its a law of physics like night follows day - ask Prof Brian Cox - he knows everything.

Anyway why be worried? Because we're shutting power stations and not building new ones. Forget the turbines - ONE gigawat power station would be equivalent to 10000 turbines so where and how are they going to build them? By april 10% of our supply will be turned off - what then? That's about 5gw, or 50,000 turbines - LOL!! remember does the wind blow 24x7?

We've had the dash-for-gas about 15yrs ago many gas fired power stations were built cheap, clean and efficient but drained our gas reserves and they only last about 10-15years. Not a good idea so now we need several nuclear stations to replace the gap but where and how will they be built. They take about 5-10yrs to get going - we can't wait that long hence the GAP. That's when the lights go out.

Believe me you read it here.

The good thing about this economic crisis is it reduces demand for power giving us a little breathing space. But when things pick up? What about fuel where is that to come from? GAS - probably from Russia or the middle east but then we're dependant on imports and what if there's trouble? Look at events in Africa with Al Qaeda taking over. Be worried.

We could use less - fat chance! Technology advances to make more efficient devices, but what about all those electric cars? where do they get their power? WE could spend the money on turbines on insulating our homes better or putting solar panels on every house! Why not?

Funny  thing is we're sitting on 200 years worth of Coal - but they won't use that its "dirty". Technology exists to burn it cleanly but its more expensive so BILLS UP! one way or another.


Monday 18 February 2013

Soft Britain

Most of the time I'm angry that we are soft and criminals get away with waving the "Human Rights" trump card at our courts to stay here. Look at Abu Hamza, how long it took to get rid of him, living here on our benefits whilst vilifying our country and culture. Still we are looking after his family.

Then there are the Criminals who come her and accept our hospitality only to throw it back at us with vile acts against our laws. We may catch them and punish them but then let them stay because they have a "Right to a family life" here. Instead of deporting them. When they broke our laws they gave up their rights haven't they?

Now we have the opposite here. A sensible father is to lose his children because they were not born here. Why can't he claim its his Human right to a family"? ~They want to split them up and send his boys to South Africa
He's not a scrounger he has a job earning a fair wage but deemed "not enough" to stay. So I ask you how do these criminals (Mr Tutt has  not broken the law) exists here on handouts?


Monday 11 February 2013

The Recycling Fiasco

What does your council really do with your waste?

Is it a con?

It certainly is ridiculous. How are people expected to know what is recyclable and what is not. The manufacturers have a responsibility  There are too many forms of plastic - not all recyclable and then what if they are mixed?

  1. What we need is uniform scheme of collection all across the country,
  2. Legislation to make manufacturers use recyclable materials and label them clearly.
The amount of packaging is ridiculous, bottles in plastic wrappers with cardboard around.

Mark recyclable containers with the 3 circular arrows, not numbers - who knows if its 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? and which is recyclable here but not there.

We don't need plastic made from oil we can use a form of cellulose from plants - works the same and is biodegradable.

Wood is good. Even if we landfill it. Wood = carbon. Buried it stays our of the atmosphere, degrades and we plant more trees to replace hence reducing CO2.

Lets get it sorted for the planets sake.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Nursery for Monsters

I don't think the nurseries turn the children into monsters. Have they looked at the home life at all?

There are so many parents who expect to abdicate their responsibilities to the nursery/school to teach the child  everything. I think actually the children spend more time NOT in the nursery  so who is to blame. So many kids are neglected  I don't mean literally, but emotionally. At home they are put in front of TV or computer to occupy them. What damage does the haunted-fishtank do. The eye goes directly to the brain, whilst its growing the neurons are forming. They are NOT  getting the right stimulus, they are not getting the rules of behaviour and how to function, so why do you think they become antisocial. If its not what's learnt from Children's TV its from violent video game. That;'s why they're savages.

In a loving caring homogeneous family with proper moral values, the children learn from the parents and its becomes wired in their brains.
perhaps the idea would be to encourage one parent to stay home and look after the children. I'm not anti-nursery, but its a fact that children brought up at home with Married parents achieve more in later life.
The money poured in could be used to give tax breaks to married couples, YES, and thus jobs freed up for the unemployed childless!

What about that George?

Thursday 7 February 2013

Hospital Scandal

It seems to me that cost cutting on the front line is to blame.

Also why do Nurses have to have degrees now? I guess if you've got a degree you think yourself a qualified clinician and not stooping to wipe someone's bum?

Fair enough.

What happened to girls (or boys) wanting to be Nurses because they wanted to care?

They don't need degrees just some intelligence and compassion. They used to go into Nursing at 16 with 3 or 5 "O" levels. What has happened?

WE are told there are thousands of unemployed youngsters. Can't we recruit them to do Nursing, in the old fashioned way. You don't all have to go to University and be a genius .

Monday 4 February 2013

Young denied jobs because the old won't give up.

So now they're complaining that the Young can't get new jobs but the older workers are hanging on to theirs.

Well can you blame them? Think about it
  1. Pensions are down - annuities are down - so you need more income
  2. Interest rates are down - so no income there
  3. Cameron and co keep telling everyone they'll have to work longer before they get a pension
  4. Back to 1, even if you live to retire then your pension will be small so you need to work longer
So all around, if you've got a job better stick to it because you need the money.

I've said before i the 2Cs could understand it, the old could retire gracefully and let the young have the jobs. The money they'll be pouring in to give the young a start could go to REtrining the old, and swapping the jobs with them.

  1. Ensure pensions are maintained at a reasonable level
  2. Ensure the older people maintain their savings rates at a reasonable level
  3. Allow people to retire if they give their job to a young person
  4. Older people need less to live on than when they're working.
What about it C&C?

Saturday 2 February 2013

Marriage Vs Marriage

The Confusatives are at it again, same again marriage for gays but no help for married couples, including Gays. One in the manifesto, one not in the manifesto, guess which?.

Will we believe Cameron again?

He says "vote for me again and I'll have a referendum on Europe" - do you beleive him?

Re the Marriage fiasco - Cleggy thinks its no big deal as he thinks a few quid more for us taxpayers is small beer. I bet he spends more than this on beer (or perhaps wine)?  Do we believe the LIEberals?

But isn't the bottom line honesty, integrity and truthfulness. Have any of them got it?