Thursday 27 June 2013

Warnings again - the lights will go out

So here we go, I've warned you and now the media are catching on. Because the Government has dithered we are running out of Energy and remember we are at the bottom of a recession Thank God. 

SO what will we do. Build more Wind Turbines!! NOoooooooooooo!

Watch this space I'm going to tell you how to Genereate CASH =- Millions of it. All Legal and honest and not a tax dodge. All paid for by you and me.

Keep Looking.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Wind Farms get paid for NOT generating electricity

WOW am I mad. I found out today that Wind Farms get paid for NOT generating electricity!

Its  bad enough that they are so subsidised to make it worth while in the first place, I've said this before but to actually be told NOT to generate electricity and then get Compensation is MAD!

Its a bit technical but the National Grid pays all Generators compensation if they don't need the electricity they are generating - effectivly throwing it away and compensating them. SO if its too windy and there is loads of Wind Energy and we don't need it they tell them to stop and compensate them. 


We should use all the Wind Energy and shut down the Coal/Gas/Nuclear/Oil etc.?

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Grey Vote deserts Cameron

This is what I want to see. Surely the over 55's have had enough. They make us work till we die, raid our savings and take away our Pensions and benefits - does Cameron seriously think he'll get our vote next time?

He needs our money but he could have it if he asked nicely. Pay some serious interest rates and protect pensions (pension funds - they have billions) and then he can borrow our money to get out of the mess.
Not slash interest rates yet again.

Monday 10 June 2013


I'm outraged about a plan to put 4 huge windturbines withinn 2 miles of my house on the beautiful unspoilt Lincolnshire coast. Just between the Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (designated) and the Coastal Country Park (Coastal Grazing Marshes) a protected historic landscape.

Look at ELDC Website 

Search for this refernce.


Environmental Impact Assessment (E.E.C. Directive 85/337/E.E.C. as amended by Council Directive 97/11E.C.) for a scoping opinion with respect to the proposed Asserby Wind Farm.

EnergiKontor UK is behind this plan a multi-national multi-billion poound company.

They are behind the recently passed at appeal Gayton Le Marsh farm

They are giving the local parishes £60000 between them as their 30 pieces of silver. What a betrayal.

You cannot buy a view, but you can take it away. The view will be gone for over a Generation. For some people that will be a lifetime. Yes I know the GREEN arguments and yes something should be done.

We can stop being greedy! Energy consumption can be reduced. Theri is solar and nuclear and tidal.

I would want at least FREE Electricity for life to persuade me to sell my view.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Underage sex - the perpetrators are Paedophiles

So at last someone has been actually prosecuted for having sex with a girl under 16.

It has always puzzled me that sex under age is illegal but yet there ar so many girls under 16 having babies. Is the father ever prosecuted? Not usually. Yet if he's over 18 and technically an adult then sex with an under 16 is having sex with a child.

Why do these men not get jailed as paedophile?

I admit that if the girl is 15 and the boy is 16 accidents can happen we've all been there?

So what I'm saying is that we should have zero tolerance of this behaviour its just the thin end of the wedge. Where would you stop.

Imagine a teacher of 35 has sex with a pupil 15 - is he a paedophile? Certainly he's broken the law and should be rightly punished. He is in a position of trust, loco parentis. My argument is if you're an adult and you have sex with a child under 16 its illegal.

Maybe if there were more prosecutions the message would get across?

Monday 3 June 2013

Pensioners now have to support this economic mess by giving up their winter heating

OK Mr Balls take away any final benefits that pensioners have and what have you left? They might as well Q up for euthanasia - that would help wouldn't it? I think it may lose them some votes. I hope so.

Pensioners have worked all their lives and saved for their retirement and if they were good enough have good pensions but now they have to pay it back.

Its bad enough you hardly get any interest on your money. It used to be that Banks and Building societies paid interest to savers to get their cask so they could lend it out. Not any more, a) they don't lend any more just pay themselves big bonuses, b) what they do lend has come from the Government - our taxes at ludicrously cheap rates so why bother with Savers. CRAZY.

Scrapping free bus passes won't save any money. They don't actually cost anything unless you USE them and most wealthy pensioners have cars.