Thursday 26 February 2015

Abolish Councils don't give them more to mis-manage

Giving Manchester Councils the Health Service to Run is the highest Folly.

Instead give The Health service the Social Services and Care Services from the Councils.

Its ludicrous to allow the Councils mis-manged by Elected Buffoons to now try and run Health.

Councils should have all the services taken way and run by Proper organisations. Lets regionalise the Health Service and run it properly.

Lets just have local councils to deal with things they understand and can manage like Parking and dog-mess.

Everything else is a service and can be run centrally.

BBC - Entertainment tax to be abolished

Why should we all in 21st Century Britain pay a tax to be entertained? A faceless Quango of backslapping n'er do wells who can't get a proper job runan organisation bleeding £3.5 billion from the long suffering tax payers of Britain.

Unlike Councils there's no one elected to oversee what the BBC is doing yet they have that vast income and no cut backs. Councils on the otherhand look after children, the elderly and sick and have less and less money to do it.

The whole system is SICK.

Its just not RIGHT or FAIR!

Why should millionaires pay exactly the same for their TV as a little old pensioner of 74?

SKY doesn't get taxpayers money (well apart form the £5mill to show BBC programmes etc.).


Wednesday 18 February 2015

50 types of pornography

50 shades of pornographic.

This film 50 Shades of Grey - is much hyped recently. even Breakfast TV was "laughing" coyly about it.

OK You're an adult watch it if you want but I suggest DON'T - here's why, apart from it being a mediocre film.

Have they read the book, have any of them? How do these people reconcile their attitude to porn, what about the BBC - promoting it when children are undoubtedly watching? If its not PORN why is it rated 18?

It is a scandal and people (and BBC) should be ashamed.

In the same week a very good article in Saturday's Daily Mail by Sarah Vine highlighted how easy it is to get to hard core porn on the internet and our children are looking at it and being damaged for life by it. They can access stuff that tragically and irreversibly distorts their young minds in their formative years of their view of society. I know because I've seen it. I don't mean that I go surfing for porn, but in my job I have had to "investigate" employees that were circulating Porn via email. We had to collect the evidence, I had to "see" it to check what it was and compile it for management who ultimately dismissed the culprits including a manager.

Believe me some images are so vile that you don't want to see them, and having seen them you can't get them out of your mind even if you want to. I am pretty well balanced and tried to stay detached but it is hard.

If it involves children remember if they are shown in it it is not a victimless crime - these children are being abused, the viewers are ABUSING them too by proxy. 

If no one wanted to see this filth then the kids would not get abused.

That is what "pornography" means, actually we need a word meaning worse than pornography because some of this stuff is unbelievably corrupting. 



Bankers have all the Power?

I watched Wolf Hall the other week and I thought that it was extremely funny that Cromwell threatened Harry Percy with Bankruptcy if he did not co-operate. No physical violence just that he was so in debt that Cromwell could make him a pariah by getting his Banker friends to stop his loans then he would have no one and no one would want to be his friend.

Funny how this is still true today.

How would ISIS function without money.

They get money from several sources, oil, and rich supporters who have oil, plus dealing in antiquities.

To me what is astonishingly scandalous is WHO handles this money for them? Surely they don't carry cash around in suitcases?

If we in the West could simply cut off their supply of money by breaking all internet links they have and confiscating/freezing the funds wherever they are and anyone else who is connected to them - thsat is these dealers in  these antiquities, the millionaires who buy them, the arms dealers etc. etc. 

Surely we could then stifle them out. NO FIGHTING necessary.

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. STOP IT, or does the dirty money go up even to these hallowed places?

Look at thes pictures showing ISIS parading in Libya in TOYOTA CARS. Lets all Boycott TOYOTA as a supporter of ISIS. They'd soon stop supplpying vehicles to terrorists if the rest of the world became a no sell zone!!

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. put sanctions on Japan/Toyota - see what happens?

Sunday 15 February 2015

What Pension Crisis?

I've said it before there is NO Pension crisis - its all smoke and mirrors. Engineered by the Government to squeeze us to pay off their incompetence. At last with Pensioner Bonds they are attempting to help out the beleaguered savers. In the end we cannot borrow our way out of the crisis. While the Bankers continue to make loads-of-money we are suffering.

If Gordon Brown had not raped the Pension funds in the last Government there would be plenty in the pot to finance industry and pay the pensioners but he's spent our nest egg.

Do I have to explain again how it works.

Let people have a level playing field for their pension savings. The money saved is used now to finance "things" later you will draw your pension. Don't worry unless they raid it again.

At least this is a good idea - long time coming. Next we need to regulate the charges that are levied and the rates of annuities that are paid should be kept within realistic ranges. Not to make Bankers FAT!

Monday 9 February 2015

Big Samsung Brother is watching - you!

I think I have said before how many of George Orwell's visions, of a dystopian view of a totalitarian society dominated by media, are coming true!

Here is another example - the Visi-screen - yes now IT is watching us! Truly Big Brother?

Society dominated by media propaganda, wars raging, west versus east, then far east, middle east, North and south all images provided by media to an insatiable public. then there's the endless "voting" for this n that, (mainly "celebrity" non-entities) but Governments are next and does it change anything? no of course not. Then there's Civil Liberties, bit by bit the Police state is tightening the screws and Big Brother is watching, now even in our homes. Government knows where you are and what you've been/are doing in so many ways. Do you use a Credit/debit card - they know where you are. Of course Crime has to be countered - but is it real? Are the Wars real? Maybe as real "American Sniper" - hard to tell?
Pestilence - the Ebola outbreak in Africa - was that real? I've watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - far fetched? Disease wipes out most of mankind and spread from experiments in apes? Hmmmmm?

At least they can't stop what we think - can they?

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Abbatoir - Halal Meat Cruelty proved.

Shocking evidence of how Halal meat is slaughtered. Be warned. Yes the sheep are to die but in this country we have laws against cruelty to animals I thought there were laws too about how slaughter houses had to STUN animals before killing them?

Seems these religious fanatics can get away with cruelty - WHY? Pictures from this thirsk abbatoir show cruelty. Yes the men have been caught but how many aren't?

Does someone worry about offending them?

I despair about the goodie two shoes in this country.