Thursday 30 October 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Privatise the BBC

At last some sense about this senseless "Entertainment Tax" how does the BBC get away with it?

Conservative MP John Whittingdale said the licence fee was ‘unsustainable’ and needed to be brought up to date with how people now watched TV.

Hear Hear - sense.

Will the lights go out this winter ? Maybe.

Will the lights go ut this winter we are warned the margin is small. Yes this is what happens when Governments allow reckless Companies to cash in on the Gas boom of the 80's and 90's. Gas power should only be used for "topping up" power at times of peak demand yet Gas power stations were all rage - they were cheap to build and run, low in pollution (but not CO2)  and reaped in the payments. North Sea gas has gone and you don't see so many now.

Wind Power is unreliable - what we don't want is prolonged cold and no wind, then Russia might turn the Gas off. We've even less of a store of Gas - that might worry you. the cold winter before we got down to 1 yes 1 days supply! I can sit in the dark as long as the heatings on. Without Gas what do you do - light a fire.? In the power cut ther's no "heater" to put on.

Be worried. it take 10 years to build a new Nuclear power station. They are just starting on the first one for over 20 years that's why we're in trouble. What about tidal - its reliable, renewable and non polluting and could help with flood defences.

We all need to shout about it.

Monday 27 October 2014

Transformers Age of Extinction

you really need to be a transformers fan or less than 7 years old to enjoy this. previous films were better. i think Michael Bay was just going through the
motions . Tessa  Yeager (Nicola Peltz), the girl just seemed token glamour.
Given she'd been brought up by an"inventor" Cade Yeager (Mark Walhberg) I expected more techno savvy from her but ended up damsel in distress and lots of screaming .
I've known transformers 30 yrs, nice to see the Dinobots appear though no explanation of them to the masses! yes i expected the story to be evolving over 4 films but the back story was very thin  and disappointing. My favourite character was Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci ). 3* (2* if you're not a Transformers fan).

Saturday 25 October 2014

daily mail likes claudia ?

Claudia Winkleman is not brilliant like Jan Moir says. What is going on-am i the only one who can see through the Emporers clothes ? Dare i criticise her? She seems be dumbing down Strictly with her "pants" (if she thought of it, if not then someone is sending her up) and daft "jokes ", even Tess grits her teeth and has to smile! Yes she is clever, too clever. Some remarks are not understood especially by non English dancers and i find them insulting not funny. Claudia is acting like a bad version of Bobby Ball to Tess's  Canon. Yes Sooty and Sweep have more rapport and after all they ARE for children.
Is this what the BBC wants. Perhaps i am wrong?

Wednesday 22 October 2014

this IS why UKIP is winning. The Main 3 parties still don't get it.

Tamara Cohen writes in the Daily Mail but quotes a Matthew Parris article from The Times in which he rails against the Voters of Clacton and dismisses them as insignificant.

I think he's very patronising of thousands of voters across the country - he is exactly right about their values and attitudes but we all have a vote don't we and if enough don't Vote for the "Big Three" then someone else is getting the votes and will Win.

He patronises and denigrates these voters with his words. If he is right then what is wrong with these people - are they not free to live their lives as they choose, not how MP chooses?

Somebody has to represent the static caravans and holiday villages, and the people and places that for no fault of their own are not getting where a 21st century Britain needs to be going. 

There are many in a place like this who might be attracted again to the Tories by a noisy display of hostility towards immigration-and-Europe, political correctness and health-and-safety: hostility to a Britain that has forgotten the joys of Ken Dodd, meat pies, smoking in pubs and the Bee Gees

He IS right that part of Britain MUST move into the 21st Century and make the wealth. There is a lot of these in the South East and they are not living in Clacton. What he doesn't realise is how people feel North of Watford. They are hard working but still they do not see the wealth of the SE, they are sick of the Bankers Bonuses that are telephone numbers but WE have bailed out these reckless Bankers and see the Establishment as in bed with them so what are they going to do for us?

With attitudes like yours Matthew they will no vote Tory or Labour because Milliband is not Working Class - he's just as out of touch with real life as the rest.

Monday 20 October 2014

Paedophiles viewing online porn IS as bad as child molestation

Amanda Plattell is right that John Grisham is wrong to defend his buddy,  she is also right saying "But isn’t that exactly what any man who accesses images of child abuse is — a pervert? They may not harm children themselves, but their search for images of younger and younger looking boys and girls implicitly supports an evil paedophile industry that does — and which trades the images for profits or for perverted pleasure. In legal terms, that makes the voyeurs complicit in the crime."

Then she is WRONG saying that

"while it may be true that not every man who seeks out underage pornography is a danger to children"

EVERY MAN who seeks out underage porn IS a danger to children.

How on earth does she think the Porn gets there? Children are abused to produce the PORN. IT is abuse by PROXY.

Why can't the police catch them all?

Sophisticated Internet technology can track everyones surfing habits from their computer to every porn site and they know exactly what you have looked at. From the ISP records they know who pays the Bills, so come on Police lets track them down. You don't even have to leave your comfy office and face the nasty criminals its like catching speeders - using CCTV and cameras.


Saturday 18 October 2014

Cohabiting is same as Marriage?

Daily Mail - judge rules cohabitee is entitled to share of man's wealth. Rubbish. if people want the "legal" rights of marriage "GET MARRIED"!
It only takes 10minutes in a register office. Why all the fuss about Gay Marriage if it makes no difference? I thought when Cameron's law came in it would help all Married people. Where is the married person's tax allowance?

Friday 17 October 2014

Captain America the Winter Soldier

5*. watched Captain America the Winter Soldier. Very very good action film. if you've seen the others even better but is good on its own. can't wait for the next.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Poor Claudia Winkleman

You know I have probably seemed that I don't like Claudia Winkleman, but its not true.

I feel sorry for her, she is being treated badly by everybody. (all except the £250k she gets paid - I'd make fool of myself for that!).

anyway she just has no talent, dress sense( pink pillowcase dress, or looks like she's just come from a funeral) but the worst is the BBC and papers seem to think she's OK, then they print articles in a sarcastic way saying how good she is when really they are sending her up. I don't think she realises what a fool they are making of her that's the problem.

Sunday night she had a pink cut down onesy on?

Why does she act like a 2nd rate Bobby Ball to Tess's Canon? She's better than this.

Come on folks save Claudia.

How come Simon Webbe was in the dance off? He's much better than many others. Oh the fickle voting public. Its "entertainment" NOT a dance competition. I forgot.

Immigrants HIV and the cost to the NHS

Sue Reid is right, health tourism, we are a soft option.

What riles me is that she says, 

The process is simple: Foreigners can get a unique and permanent NHS number, which they are then usually able to use to get free hospital care. They can also book an appointment online or just walk in without a doctor’s referral.

this makes my blood boil, how dare they, if only WE had a service as good as THAT, here in Lincolnshire.

Here we can't do any of that. Ring up, if you're lucky you could be one of the first 20 or so to get an appointment TODAY - (fair enough) but that's it, wait till tomorrow and try again. No walking in, no prebooking.

I've lived here 58 years and paid my NI TAX etc. why are WE the 2nd class citizens to Immigrants?

Sunday 12 October 2014

Lego Movie

seen Lego Movie. its not for kids under 10. if like me you've grown up with Lego over the last 50 years its Ok. i guessed what the "piece of resistance " was after 15mins. the reference's to other classic films were clever and interesting. You know i was shocked that anyone Glued Lego! yes really, 50 years and i never knew. Sacrilege. Anyway its one of those must water films.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Illegal Immigrants stopped - Dead!

I don't understand how all these so-called Illegal Immigrants can "sneak" across hiding in Cross channel Ferries? Where can they go for heavens sake when on the Ferry.

I say, when under way - as I remember every passenger has to leave their vehicles on the Car-decks. So when everyone has gone lets flood the car deck with anti-vermin poisonous gas. We don't want any pests coming into our country like "colorado beetle", poisonous spiders, snakes or foxes bringing Rabies etc.. So lets sterilise the vehicles, after all everyone is safe on Deck - ideal time to do it.

No one would be foolish enough to stay on the car-deck would they?

Oh - you'd have to allow pets out to go somewhere of course - can't be inhumane can we?

Sunday 5 October 2014

NO to Asserby WindFarm - who owns the land?

I have asked just who is Energie Kontor? They are the Company putting in the planning application to ELDC but they don't own the land. This seems wrong in that if I wanted to extend my house I would have to put in planning form my house and my neighbours would know exactly what I was planning.

Asserby Wind farm is simply and vaguely Land to the South of Asserby.....but who owns this vast tract of land - well I think its basically 3 people. These people will benefit to the tune on many millions of pounds over the years from the Turbine Earnings - mainly from Government (yours and mine) subsidies, even if the Turbines aren't generating!

So, I believe one landowner is

Gary Allis,
Furzehill Farm, Bilsby,
Alford, Lincolnshire, LN13 9QS

He is well known locally for his cricketing exploits and Farm (650 acres) innovations - good luck to him as a farmer I say, but how will he live with his neighbours when he's angered so many and destroyed the areas heritage? I thought farmesrs cared about the land, sorry no its a business, he wants to earn MAXIMUM from hi Land. Wind Turbines harvest the Wind!!

Mrs Sarah Jane Alliss is also a director.

I show you the theoretical income from a 10gw windfarm as proposed for Asserby, shared between, EnergieKontor and 3 people of course.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Top Gear starts second Falklands War?

Top gear could have made sensational headlines as above - maybe? Well it seems the Argies aren't happy with Jeremy Clarkson and co who were filming a Top Gear "stunt" there.

Were they aware of possible significance of the number plated Porsche? "oh dear, no" they said - "you bet they were " I SAY.

Heavens sake this is Top Gear they like to court controversy - why does JC work for the BBC? He's nearly been sacked a couple of times but they let him off.

Weather the BBC like TG because they can sell it is one thing, as a Taxpayer funded organisation I say "NO WAY". How on earth is the BBC allowed to do these things? If it was a private company fair enough - they take the consequences, but when  you and I are paying for it. In these days of austerity, the Government wants to cut Benefits to make ends meet, how about letting every body be £145 a year better off. Abolish the Licence fee, and Privatise the BBC.

MP John Whittingdale who chairs the Culture and Media committee said that "it was getting harder to sustain the license fee".

Too right when the bloated BBC languishes fat salaries on endless "executives", insane "stars", ridiculous "presenters" (Claudia Winkelman £250,000) and wastes money provoking other countries, do we really expect this on our hard earned money. If even a minute fraction of any of this was done by say your local council (taxpayer funded) or your MP (taxpayer funded) there would out cry "sack them" but this is hte BBC (Taxpayer Funded).


News Corporation is still feeling the effects of the "Phone Hacking" scandal - what are the sanctions on the BBC - I think its too much part of the establishment - hence why Jimmy Saville got away with it for so long. Maybe there is change in the air?

They sold off the Post Office, if Sky can be profitable then why not the BBC,? It gets over £3 billion pounds a year to make "entertainment"!! how can this be in 2014?

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Racists - Ton n Jerry? non-pc cartoons

I have always decried the attitude to "rewriting history" - typified by the attitude to using the "N" word that I am allowed to allude to so everyone knows but not actually use! It was Guy Gibson's Black Labrador's name in 1942!1 For heavens sake - what else form history shall we erase that we don't like now?

So the Tom and Jerry cartoons used Racist images/subjects whatever? Times were different 50/60 years ago. Maybe it was offensive then - people just didn't know it - we have learnt though haven't we.
(you know the above article appeared in Saturdays Daily Mail - I thought I was reading what I had written).

There are differences though, what is a word - the "N" word. Can I say "N" black? 

Its not being offensive is it - the word exists - I don't like the "F" word. Don't use it personally but loads of people do and it offends me but I let it ride unless they are being offensive to me. Any word can be offensive to somebody depending on how it is used, black, white, big, small, thin, fat, boy, girl, happy , sad, gay, merry I could go on. Pointless. 

Its not the words its the context.

Personally depicting violence to under 12s is bad, e.g. many films now are rated 12 or PG when they show "fantasy violence" whatever that is it seems to be OK. Killing is killing. Perhaps one day we'll have some protection for crimes against Fantasy Characters - someone needs to stand up for them.