Tuesday 27 December 2011

Government cuts Solar power subsidy


Well I guess its their prerogative NOT to give money away but we do need to build up Solar power.
If your roof gave you all your electricity in the day, you aren't dependent on the Energy companies, maybe this is the reason its been stopped. Someone putting pressure on HMG?
This is the future though, Be self sufficient, use less power. We can't keep on burning the planets resources.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Is £40k enough?


The BBC think £40k is enough to live on? Wish we had that much income!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Parcel Time Again

Hopefully you have got all your orders in and delivered by now for Christmas, I have
What is it about these delivery people, I know they are busy now, busier than ever before but why are they generally so poor at communicating?

They turn up after you've waited in for hours and wait a nanosecond for you to come to the door, or even not turning up at all, leaving a card "saying you're out!" then you have to re-arrange delivery or go and collect it. Q up for 2 hours in the rain for it to be junk! Or some unknown relative who has an oversize card and not put enough postage on it so you have to pay £1.50 for the privilidge of getting their card.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Cohabitees to inherit partners wealth!


What is this rubbish about? I despair. Surely the point of Marriage is that it is a contract. If folk don't want to get married fine. Let them make wills - Seeemples! But without a marriage how does it work?

About time the Government honoured their Pledge to support Marriage not to make it a dirty word.

Come on Mr Cameron IDS has worked hard on this. If you want the economy to recover what better way than encouraging the FAMILY. Even Ed has got married now.

Iain will tell you all about the benefits.

Monday 12 December 2011

Tax Benefits

I really think Benefits should be treated as taxable income.
Why not? If you get below the Tax allowance then you won't have to pay tax. However if you get a job it goes into your income and then you pay tax on it added together.
People working on low incomes say "I'd be better off unemployed" why because the income then is tax free. no incentive to work.

People on Low incomes still pay tax - TO SUPPORT PEOPLE ON BENEFITS. Sometimes those on benefits gets more than those working and paying Tax - NOT FAIR.

I get a mileage allowance for using my car for work. Its not "Expenses" it gets added to my income and I pay Tax and NI on it. It really is hardly worth using my car, I'm subsidising my employer.

One last thing why can't we have an "averaged tax bill" say over 3 years then you can gain in the good years off setting the bad years?

Sunday 4 December 2011

Foil Toothpaste Tubes

Where have the foil Toothpaste tubes gone?

Where are they? Why do we have to have these infuriating plastic tubes? You can't get the last bits out! With a foil one you can keep rolling the end down until you get to the bottom and then squeeze the last bit out. Simples! Are these plastic ones designed to be difficult for old people to squeeze them and impossible to get the last bits out? Thus lets say you still have 10% in the tube when you have to buy a new one - that's a 10% price increase not to mention the waste.

My old science teacher used to say "oil's too valuable to burn!" - meaning there are so many wonderful things that can be created from oil - those magical chain molecules - plastics and drugs. So why burn it in cars and power stations? When its gone its gone!

Bring back foil toothpaste tubes I say - they can still be recycled.

Thursday 1 December 2011

More Pensions Rip-off


£1billion for Youth.

Why don't they put it in Pensions so we don't have to work longer. What's the point of old folk keeping their jobs longer when we could retire and the kids can have our jobs, and at a lower Salary so you may 2 or 3 or more jobs for one of ours.


Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pensions - what a fine mess!

So – now 2million Public sector workers strike. The Government has missed a trick here. If they had simply altered the pension benefits i.e. made it “work longer” and/or “get less” for the SAME contribution then there would have probably not been a strike but when faced with a 3% cut in pay as well….

So when you’re only on £15k it’s a hard pill to swallow. Most would probably be better off on benefits costing the Government (Tax payers) even more. Is that really what they want?

Or at the end of the day they’ll just opt out of their Pensions, saving the 6-9% deduction, end up with no Pension when they retire and thus live on the State pension topped up with what ever benefits they’re entitled to. Seeing as the object is to raise more money to get us out of the ”mess” then this won’t work will it Mr. Osborne? A voluntary Tax! Great – how many people will “volunteer to pay tax”?

Monday 28 November 2011

Public Sector Pensions Rip-off

So now the latest idea is to give £1billion to help youngsters get work. Yet at the same time they want Public Sector Workers to have a 3% pay cut (average) for the same pension yet work years longer before getting it. Mr Osborne its a 3% PAY CUT.
So you've revamped YTS - great! and at the end there will still be no REAL JOBS
Get the Economy going, then the Public Sector workers on "Poverty Wages" (Government figures) will get REAL jobs paying decent wages and not be a burden on the state. Then those that want to retire why not let then and use the £1billion to boost the pensions thereby freeing up Real Jobs for the Youngsters?

This way the Public Sector workers you really need, Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Care Workers can pay in the same as now and get a decent pension when they retire.

As they say "Simples". You may get the Strike called off.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Benefit receivers get 5% payrise

So the folk on Benefits get a 5% payrise.
I know most on benefits are not "well off" but let me say some of us working are feeling the pinch! I have not had a payrise for 2 years and don't expect one next year. I am on below average earnings, yet I pay Tax and NI to support those on benefits.

If I was on say £60k I might feel differently. So just think, on Benefits all income free of tax, just think what they'd need to earn before deductions to be as well off?

I think its about time benefits were taxable income. So then those who get vast amounts would feel the pinch like you and me.
Let me equally advocate though that the Chancellor should let you "average" your Tax allowances over say 3 years. That way any unused Tax allowance could be used when you start earning and thus you'd be much better off working. Earning and not paying tax to start off with. Also where is this Marrieds Persons allowance Dave promised. If 2 share an income they should be able to share their tax allowances.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Read my Cracking Conspiracy Thriller

This may be the greatest conspiracy of the 20th Century?

The story that they don't want you to know. Based on true events find out the real reason why the USA entered the 2nd World war later. Why the USA actually collaborated with Nazi Germany. What was Roosevelt doing staying at Hitler's Eagle's Nest retreat in Bavaria?

Ben Ward, a junior doctor in buffalo reads his Grandfather's Memoirs as a POW in Auschwitz
and embarks on a race against the CIA, MI6, Stasis, Mossad and KGB who want to stop him uncovering the truth at all costs.
You'll not put it down until the dramatic, breathtaking climax to the story. Life will never be same again. If they let me publish it.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Poor are Starving?

Let me say "I agree" with Edwina Currie, the One Show BBC 1 tonight.
As shown on the program, people living on Benefits basically expect to continue living at the standard they are accustomed to. Let me tell them this IS NOT POSSIBLE. You have to cut back.
As the lady said " the children expect it" - sorry "You can't afford it".
I know a single mum with 3 children, not working. I am astonished that they have TV/DVD Video/several computers/mobile phones/Computer games console/Dog/telephone/broadband and piles of toys. She is spending £200 each for Christmas. The eldest (17) gets £30 a week for attending school and saves it all! Expecting Mum to support him totally. They have just hadnew furniture, fencing, cooker, washer,and a gardener to landscape. They eat out several times a week and buy in "delivered meals". Not to mention the Council Tax and Housing Benefit. All this on benefits. So she doesn't work and pay tax.
I work and pay tax but can't afford that lifestyle. How come - is this justified?
I know people working on less than £15000 a year who support themselves and a Mortgage getting no benefits but paying Tax.
How much would my Lady have to earn (Gross) to live on the income she gets from the State?
I think this is why the country is in the mess it is.
These folk could rightly claim to be starving if they gave up the TV/DVD Video/several computers/mobile phones/Computer games console/Dog/telephone/broadband and piles of toys. If then they still could not afford Food I'd be sympathetic.
Its just not real!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Survival of the FITtest - my answer

What should HMG do, I suggest:-

  1. No VAT on domestic Solar/Wind etc. installations. That way the capital cost comes down, more people buy them and as demand increases the costs come down as well.
  2. Remove VAT on the 1st tier of fuel rates. Why TAX the least well off then pay them benefits? These people in Fuel poverty are often the ones unlikely to be able to swap suppliers etc. to gain the benefit – what if they are on a pre-payment. They also don’t have well insulated houses, can’t afford insulation, and don’t know how to conserve energy/heat.
  3. Get the economy going – this will help everyone. If the Stock Market goes up then the Pension funds are up also helping keep the cost of Pensions down so less need to increase contributions/work longer. 20 years ago a lumps sum annuity bought a pension twice as big as now (I don’t need to tell you how that is a double whammy as prices have doubled since then as well)
  4. Make the Banks pay realistic interest rates to savers, they charge silly rates to borrowers when the Bank rate is only 0.5% how is that not just sheer robbery?

Wednesday 9 November 2011

No survival of the FITtest

I must say how dismayed and shocked I was to hear that the funding for the FIT schemes had been slashed. We are awating a quotation to have solar panels fitted but this is questionable now.

I really think it is in the best interest of everybody to conserve fuel/energy and do what you can to be green.

In the current situation, with rocketing fuel bills Solar Panels seemed a good idea but they are a huge capital expense. If you can afford the outlay it does make sense. For us it was a case of a small Bond maturing at the end off the month. Should we reinvest? But look at the abysmal interest rates. By putting the money to solar panels, with the FITs we would get a better return and help be Green.

Not now though

We are lucky to have paid off our Mortgage, but now we see what savings we have eroded by inflation, pitiful interest rates and looming cuts to our pensions. What do we do? If we had a mortgage and no savings we’d be better off! That is why the country is in a mess. It’s the spend today, worry about tomorrow tomorrow mentality, not like how were were brought up, you must know what I mean.

What can the Government do to help?

Monday 7 November 2011

M5 Crash - how appalling

First let me say my sincere sorrow to all those involved and condolences to all those bereaved.

Now let me ask should we not all drive at a speed and distance appropriate to the conditions? I was not there and do not know what happened but lets say smoke was involved.

I know that at 80mph (the proposed new Maximum speed limit) in the dark I cannot stop in the distance picked out by my DIPPED headlights. Yet how many folk drive at this speed on dipped Headlights. Slow down to the distance you can see to stop in.

How many times in poor conditions have I slowed down only to be overtaken and worse had a Bully on my tail feet from my bumper wanting me to speed up. He can see me but how do I know what is ahead if I can't SEE IT!

What about these Stealth Drivers? Now the days are short and often even in the daylight it s poor visibility with cloud and rain yet I see (eventually) dark cars with NO lights on. Are they frightened of being seen? Surely if I pull out in front of a car "I can't see" then they'd be a bit miffed, if he hit me it would be a lot more expensive all around than the thimbleful of fuel he's saved by not putting his lights on. If we had any Police on the roads I'd expect them to stop these idiots and make them put their lights ON.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Greece and the Debt Crisis

Answer me this - where does the money come from?

If we're in debt, and it seems everyone else is more or less - how can we put money in the IMF to bail out Greece when we're in so much debt?

If I was in debt - would I borrow more to help my mate out? - no of course not.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Fuel bills putting folk in Fuel Poverty

Instead of handing more money out to the Poor why don't the Government take the VAT off fuel?
At least if they took it off the First Charge it would be fairest to the poor then those that use oodles of Gas/Electric and can afford it can pay the VAT.

Its daft collecting tax off the poorest and then giving it back when they can't afford to pay it in the first place

Monday 31 October 2011

Goodbye Sir Jimmy

Goodbye to Sir Jimmy Saville.
A Yorkshire man I very much admired.
What a life. Down the Pit as a miner, a wrestler, and then an entertainer, but above all a tireless charity Fund Raiser, how many Marathons did he run?
An unpaid porter at St James in Leeds, brightening up everyone's day. He didn't have to do it but he wanted. to
Sad that he's gone and very sad that he should be on his own at the end but I guess he liked his own space.

Saturday 29 October 2011

BST to GMT What a Farce!!

Every one is being Fooled.

Yes the Clocks go back an Hour tonight but it DOES NOT mean you gain an Hour!.

Is GOD stopping the World for an hour and letting us have 25hours tomorrow? No of course not. The Sun will rise, the birds will sing and then the Sun will set.

Actually YOU will get up an hour later (by the clock) and go to Bed an Hour later (by yesterdays clock). We're just shifting our routine to 1 hour later. There's no real need to change the Clocks its just the silly convention that our lives are ruled by the Clock. If news at 10 went on at 11pm, and your Boss let you start work at 10am instead of 9 am the effect would be just the same.

Don't believe me? Well just leave one clock at the OLD time and check it when you go to bed.

Tell it to my Dog - he still will want to get up at 6, no sorry 5am!!!

Enjoy it - Monty.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Chancellor is to do a Gordon Brown on the LGPS

Please exhort the Chancellor not to do a Gordon Brown to the Local Government Pension Scheme, when he decides on
the reforms to the Public Sector Pensions Schemes. My reasons? Well I
shall explain why they are a different case.

Basically we are in this financial mess because of the folly of the
last Labour Government. They inherited a healthy debt-free economy on
the rise. What did they do, squandered it like greedy schoolboys in a
sweet shop.

You’ll remember when Gordon Brown decided to raid the pension funds to
appease the voters with Tax cuts. Sacrilege.

You will be aware that investments like pension funds are long term
investments, you don’t make a fast buck from them they are deliberately
designed for long term growth because they look after their members
over the long term, we hope the very long term. Having crippled the
funds his next “achievement” was to lower taxes at a time the world
recession was looming. In fact he then scrapped the 10p tax-rate to rob
the poor to give to the rich! How people were deluded, but eventually
saw what the Emperor was wearing and now we have a sensible Government
that is not trying to Build an enormous public sector to service the
Bloated State Machine. People don’t want hand outs they need freedom of

Now we are in a poor state and the Pension Funds are weak because the
economy is down. If the Chancellor is prudent (sorry but GB used these
words but wasn’t literally, he deceived), the economy will recover and
the Pension Funds will recover. The Long Term, providing they aren’t
mortally wounded.

I do agree with reform of Public Sector Pensions but keep the LGPS
separate to the rest because it is a FUNDED scheme. Why should we have to pay even more to bail out the greedy bankers?

Monday 10 October 2011

Return of Olly

Olly is back. Hurrah! (our Barn Owl of course).WE first saw him Saturday morning then again this evening. Unfortunately some Bully Seagulls were mobbing him Any way he flew off and was back 10minutes later having out witted them. I guess he's back because the Tourists are almost gone for the Winter. GREAT.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Europe impositions

I've been Home Brewing on and off for 30years.

I've done Beer, lager and Wine

I gave up wine because it seemed pointless when there was a plentiful supply of good quality wine at the Supermarket at reasonably comparable prices - this may be changing.

Beer I still do, usually I would say 40pints for about £12, equates to 30p per pint. I enjoy a glass or two at a weekend.

What annoys me is that we are constantly bombarded in the media about how Europe is imposing this or that Law or directive but isn't it funny that beer and wine taxes are actually much cheaper on the Continent but they don't impose those on us do they?

Yet the Human Rights Act is quoted to support Prisoners rights in that they feel they NEED Sky in their cells. I don't understand, this is commercially available. I'm paying for them to be kept at Her Majesty's pleasure. WHy should that include Sky, I don't have Sky!

If they're bored let them read books. You never know they may learn something (always supposing they can read).

Thursday 6 October 2011

Quantitative Easing? Bah

Quantitative Easing, so another £75b into the economy. Bet I don't see any of it?
I just don't know how come interest rates are HALF a percent yet Banks charge 7+ percent to lend you money. Can't be bad profit eh, they're just greedy. Don't say they're taking a risk, it goes up if your credit rating goes down. Then there's credit cards a whopping 30% interest on those. No wonder David says pay them off - I'd love to.
So next why can't the Government (us) who own the main banks get them to lend out some of the Billions we've poured into them to save them? If they (we) own them then surely to God they can make them do it? What are they afraid of.
I despair. That's why we've no money the Banks have got it and are getting more by the day.

Monday 3 October 2011

Student Fees

Why are Student fees so high? I guess because we can't afford as a society to send so many students to Uni.
In my day (30+years ago) only the top 20% went to Uni and we got a Grant (means tested ) but no Fees.
Now it seems every one has a right to go to Uni. It seems like an extension of school so why don't we change the School Leaving age to 21?
Silly I know.
Every one can't get a University Degree - they shouldn't be able to otherwise what is a Degree worth?
Why can't groups of schools get together and award a "graduation" like a combination of A Levels?
Get Uni back to being for the Elite and only have the very top 20% getting on to Study. Maybe then we could afford to send them.
The Rich will always buy their way in as always.
We need to fund education in Primary schools. WE don't want one FIFTH of school leavers unable to read and write in the 21st Century.
When I was 11 I could read anything and write competently. If everyone was at that level at 16 we'd have much better society.

Come on Dave - take up the challenge

Thursday 29 September 2011

Euro Debt and Banking Crisis

It seems every country is in debt and owes Billions. So who is lending out the money that they are borrowing to fund it?
If Greece can't pay its debts then the Countries that buy them out should "OWN" Greece.
If a company goes bust and someone buys it out they own it - so same for Greece.

Just think if we bought them we could go to Greece for Holidays just like going to Cornwall but warmer, drier and more historic. No passports or Euros just pay in Pounds etc.

Monday 19 September 2011

Downtown Abbey

Watched the new DownTown Abbey

Funniest program since Acorn Antiques!
Just watching for Victoria Wood to pop up, or is she already the Cook, Mrs Patmore.
The Countess of Grantham is Mrs Overall (Julie Walters).
She has some great one-liners eh?
The Earl of Grantham is Groucho Marx (isn't he with out the moustache), he must get funnier though.
The Butler is Chico Marx and Harpo is Lady Rosamund.
I must say the sets are definitely better built.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Gay Marriage

Ok - they can have Civil Partnerships, why not call it Marriage.
What legal rights would Marriage have over and above a "Civil Partnership"?
Marriage in church? - well yes why not but at the Vicar's discretion - same as always - up to him.
Why shouldn't 2 people commit to each other?
What about "living together"? plenty of couples say I don't want to get married. Fine. but don't expect the same rights as married couples.

Now Dave, where is your commitment to support Marriage? Lets have some POSITIVE discrimination form you, for a change. Why not say Marriage is preferred. Other countries favour married couples.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Strike for Job Cuts?

The Unions are flexing their muscles for a fight. I hope common sense prevails. We all need to pull together to get out of this mess not be selfish and demand our share by having muscle.
I agree the mess was not caused by the people in the Public sector, most earn less than 25k but have all contributed to the Banker and their Bonkers Bonuses. That's not right. But striking is not right either.
Dave must make sure we understand what went wrong and why. Which chancellor took millions out of the Pension Funds to fritter away on pointless Government spending? Which Chancellor took money from the poor and gave it to the Rich when he abolished the 10p rate of tax and cut the standard rate? Come on tell us Ed?

Thursday 8 September 2011

No charging points for Electric Cars?

If I had money I'd set up a network of "charging Car Parks" in Cities. Bays with Charging points so commuters could have their cars Charging while they worked.

Better still I'd install the Wireless system. No messing about with Cables thet are dangling to be tripped over (Health n Safety will ban 'em) - no cables to be Vandalised etc.
Just park your car in the "Electric Bay" and hey presto its charging.
How is it done? Simple
Look at this site. Its bound to come. Just don't know why its not happening.

Just wonder what the Government will do when we all switch to electric and then there's no Tax revenue from Petrol sales?

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Child Care too much?

OK - some people are in a quandary but most have a choice. If you can't afford the kids DON'T HAVE them! Simples!

When we had children we chose for one of us to stay at home until they were old enough. Yes it hurt but the joy of raising 2 children is priceless.

What the government could do is allow Married couples to share their Tax codes so the one working get s all the allowances. When I think of the Thousands of pounds we could have made up if we could have done that. Mr Cameron says he wants to "Mend Broken Britain" this is where is starts. FAMILIES. Help them stay together and live in a loving stable relationship with 2 parents. Don't make if Financially better to be a single Mum.

Some people do have kids for the income.

Finally - David - if we're not careful we'll end up with proles having all the kids and outnumbering the Ruling Classes. What will you do then - retreat to your Gated Estates?

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Boiler Blues

So the boiler decided to give up!
Just as the weather cools and we start to need it.
Well British Gas will come and fix it tomorrow. Its only 6 years old but I do understand that these Condensing Boilers don't last as long. Save you gas etc. but unlike our old one which was 20+ years old - the gas man said every year - "they don't make em like this any-more", but then couldn't get the parts!

Finally - something educational - GRAPHENE

Anew wonder material - will this change things - paper this Computer screens maybe?


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Bank Holiday

Yep - Bank Holiday on the way and the Weather - predictable as ever is going downhill.
Last weekend was Glorious against predictions so come the Holiday - yes it will rain.
Summers over eh - Bah!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Riots - how do we fix it?

I'll tell you Mr Cameron - EDUCATION!!
I've said it before the underclass aren't educated - not because they're thick.
For more than a generation they have been left to these "do gooders" - given "their Human Rights" - no Discipline!

I mean real DISCIPLINE, not smacking and telling off - that doesn't work. The Parents are as bad, they don' know how to discipline their children. What I mean is good old GOOD Parenting. If they see their parents behaving to a set of moral values then it instills discipline.

You must give your children rules and boundaries. No giving in to the slightest whim. For example, always sitting at table for a meal. Having meals as a Family. Do your homework and then you can watch some TV. Not watch TV all night in your room.

Do you know what games they're playing? We stopped our children from watching DVD's that weren't suitable - "ah, but Harry's parents let him watch xxxxxx!" - well they might but you aren't because its not suitable. 10 year olds shouldn't be watching "18" or "15" movies. Maybe we'd watch something as a family that was borderline (after we'd vetted it) and discuss it. That's education - understanding Family values.

Finally my pet hate - TV can be a bad influence. The Soaps - how do they get away with such awful broadcasting, downright sick storylines etc. before the so-called watershed. Over the years I've seen the deterioration (not that I wacth them all the time - you can't help but see some as they're on all the time) - kids watch them and think that's how "real people" behave so they decide to copy it. Yes - folks - the soaps AREN'T REAL!

Monday 15 August 2011

Riots! I blame the Bankers

Look, no one condones the Rioters. Poverty or a broken home doesn't make you a criminal but look at the cost of the riots and then look at the cost of the Banking Crisis! We've all contributed thousands of pounds to the Bankers whether we like it or not.

In this me me me society we bail out the Bankers and then they rub it in our faces by going on a Riot of awarding themselves million pound bonuses. So is this not legalised pillaging or not? How many families have been raped by these Bankers? So no buildings were damaged and no one got hurt? or did they?

What about those who have lost their jobs, those who have no future? They will not see a million pounds in a lifetime, so how is it justified? What have these Bankers done to earn their crust?

Bonkers I say!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Riots - blame the parents

When most of the rioters are hooligans and thugs we ask why do they do it? Because they don't care about anything except the thrill of the moment. Blinded by computer games and drugs (including alcohol) I bet they are kids that just do as they please. So yes I blame the parents. But then look at the Families. I bet we're talking about the minority that are our "underclass" - the parents with no jobs, single mums with kids to several fathers living on benefits. The kids do as they please to get out of "Mums way". Home is just a Bed and Breakfast Doss.
Its our fault - society. We let these people exist on handouts and have no responsibility. What has happened to Family values? Answer please Mr Cameron. What are you going to do about it? No good cutting benefits it will just make it worse because Society owes it to them they'll just take what they want what have they to lose? May be we shoudl start to re-engineer society, educate these kids - yes even if they don't want to - remove them away and force them. Mus be some uninhabited Scottish islands we could use? Then when they're ready they can choose a life somewhere and respect our Society.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Riots - what to do?

Riots - What to do with the rioters? Bring in the Army - yes bring the lads back - round up the rioters and send THEM to Afghanistan. Lets see if they can make a mess there? They might appreciate living in England?

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Government Promises are hollow

So the government (Chancellor Osborne) promised in his Emergency Budget Public sector workers earning less than £21000 would get a £250 increase.
Not if you're a Local Government worker. The Local Government Association on behalf of the Authorities have said no increase. The Employers said "The Government’s pay policy does not apply to Local Government and our view is that such an increase would be unaffordable in the current climate."
So thousands of workers have to do without £250 (which would be taxed), whilst Bankers who got us in this mess and have been bailed out by all Taxpayers - including those earning less than £21000 - can continue to pay themselves telephone number salaries and thousands of pounds in bonuses using OUR money!
Unbelievable, yet I do believe it because the little folk don't matter.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

City Parking Charges

Yes - City parking charges should be Sky High! However, there should be decent public transport to get in and out.
For example ParknRides strategically pplaced around for you to get in and out. Trains coming in and out regularly.
Lets face it you're not going get trains and buses going to every little village. You need an INTEGRATED TRANSPORT SYSTEM. SO I drive in from XXmiles outside and get to a train station, there I park and get the fast frequent train into the city and vice versa.
Simples - as they say.
One last thing - free (or at least very cheap parking) allowed in cities for Electric cars. Coupled with Charging points so while you work your car charges. Finally cycle ways so cyclists can get around in safety, and all buildings having safe secure Bike Garages.
There 21st century transport solved. Monty's way.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Creed in Latin

Today I want you to look at this.

CREDO in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum, Filium Dei **unigenitum, ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem omnia facta sunt.

And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father; through Whom all things were made.

Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis. Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine, et homo factus est.

Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And he was made flesh by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est, et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas, et ascendit in caelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; suffered, and was buried. On the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.

Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, iudicare vivoset mortuos, cuius regni non erit finis.

And He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.

Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas.

Who, with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified: Who has spoken through the Prophets.

Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam.

And (I believe in) one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen.

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Sexualisation of Children

Yes I agree we are pushing them too far. But I also think "What's new?".
I blame the Parents. They should educate their children, and watch what they are letting them do.
I know - my kids told me their friends had DVDs/Computer games that were not suitable for their age group. Where had they got them from?
Also they let them have a TV/DVD recorder/sky/Computer/Playstation etc. etc. in their bedrooms etc. do they know what they're upto?
Yes I agree you shold be able to trust TV before 9pm but you can't. I've seen objectionable materila broadcast well before 9pm The Soaps are worst - what souless programs - are they really suitable for 7 year olds. How can they understand what's going on let alone the swearing and violence etc.
I despair.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Footballers Privacy

Tough - why should they because they can afford it buy privacy? They have done the dirty - did they do it in private/secret? I doubt it.
Someone must know so why can't it be reported and talked about?
Yes if its a court case involving children etc I agree they might deserve anonimity, but no one else.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Prisoners get the Vote?

So should Prisoners be allowed to Vote? Why not?

Let me see don't you have to be registered on the Voters Roll? So shall we see thousands of Prisoners happy to tell the world what their residence is? Derek Slasher Brown, Wormwood Scrubs, John Light Fingers Jones HMP Wakefield, etc etc. I can't see it somehow.
It would be good for Politicians, I don't the mean the Jailed ones, I mean canvassing at election time would be easy. Where else would you have a truly "captive audience"? and no chance of the door being slammed in your face or them running away!! It might be good in the sense that Prisoners would be able to tell their stories to politicians, they would see what its like "on the inside" - though there are a few MPs inside now (they are often called a bunch of crooks anyway) so why shouldn't crooks also be able to Vote for them? isn't that fair?
Oh and while they're at it now they can Vote and have a residence why don't they pay Council Tax.
What else is there, let me think.....?

Oh yes, how do they get to the Polling Station?

Sunday 23 January 2011

Overcrowding on Trains - "touching passengers"

I feel very sorry for Nicholas Shaw. You remember he was accused of sexually assaulting women commuters on a crowded train?
Well there but for the grace etc.....
I've endured overcrowded trains, where you're jammed in that tight no chance of falling over, they can only just get the doors closed. So do you touch the other commuters? Yes - there is no way to leave that ever so English "space" around you and the next passenger.
These women claim he assaulted them. How do they know it was him and not another passenger, or for that matter another over zealous rucksack or briefcase that touched them?
Get a grip women or travel by bus! If my case touches the lady next to me I don't actually feel it so it may be her Bum its touched!
I think its the rail companies that should be in court. Its criminal how much they charge for such a poor service.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Segway is not a Car!

So a Segway is a motor vehicle and can't be used on a pavement? WHat about all these folks careering around on their Mobility Scooters? Some are the size of a Mini Car. THey also have road lights and Windscreens and doors, but they can travel on pavements and knock you over. They block the aisles in Supermarkets but what can be done?
Its not fair.
Yes some disabled people need them but lets get the rules clarified.

Fairness for all I say.