Thursday 17 December 2015

Before Refugees can we look after our own?

What do people have to do to qualify for British residency? We let murdering asylum seekers stay because "it would infringe their human rights" yet a lady (Nadiya McWhirter), who has 1, married a British man (I always thought that was automatic if legitimate), 2, got children by him (family?) 3, worked and paid taxes for 10 years yet they want to deport her?
We are happy to give sanctuary to Syrian refugees, and I'm not anti-that but why this lady should be deported?

Monday 14 December 2015

ISIS get arms from us?

See I did say it before, who is arming ISIS? Mainly us. Who is buying their oil? We must make it just not worth it for anyone to trade with ISIS.

Friday 11 December 2015


Litlejohn is generally right. Why can't people have opinions. Abuse, racisms and bullying are wrong but we are all different and so if we all can't say what  we think the world will be a very pale dull bland place. We might as well all be mindless sexless zombies.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

What's wrong with gender?

Yes I'm against sexism but why deny male and female exist? Do these people see force in mankind. Take man out of human and anywhere else men or man appears as three consecutive letters. It's just stupid. It's got nothing to do with sexism it's language. Why did "expertsexchange" get changed. Why could you not find Scunthorpe on Google? Yes, maybe we need a pronoun for sexless gender but we can't erase masculine and feminine from our language. No newspeak. As long as the   of the use of language is not offensive why take offence. Get a life.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

ISIS bombed away?

ISIS are being attacked by Anonymous. Good. Rather than bombing Syria we need to strangle the  ideology that fuels these fanatics. If the world is against them and they have no friend s, allies, supplies or voice how can they carry on? They can't hurt us from the middle of the Middle East desert. 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Can't bomb an Ideaology

Its no good Cameron thinking we can bomb ISIS to death. You can't bomb an ideaology. The terrorists can't be reasoned with so we've no choice but shoot to kill or they'll kill us, but we must cut off their Oxygen. How do they post on the internet, where do they get weapons, tools, cars and money from? Anyone associated with them must be found and stopped. Block the internet we CAN. They stop paedophiles etc.if say Toyota felt the wrath of Governments and people or ISIS using their cars then they'd soon put pressure on their supply chains to stop dealing with them. The buck stops  here. The message would get across "don't deal with ISIS".
Then we've got educate the Muslims here and elsewhere that mindless violence won't win the war. either give them something worth having at home better than ISIS.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Big Brother Snooping?

Why all this fuss over the new powers?

Will HMG really have time to investigate everybody's browsing habits, look at all your emails - especially when 90% are spam. You'er welcome.

Every internet device has a unique IP address so I don't actually understand how they can't track these ISIS type people who post vile stuff on the internet to encourage Jihad and taunt the West.

There's got to be some powerful intermediaries who proxy the traffic. Internationally we need to shut them down in Eastern Europe maybe?

I want shares in companies that provide network Routers and switches, those that sell hard drives - think of the storage involved in saving all these history logs? Then the Software to analyse it for the Police.

I agree they need to investigate Internet/Cyber crime more because in aninstant millions of pounds can be transferred/stolen. Gone are the days of the burgular with a mask breaking in your house. He sits at home with a PC!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Talk Talk fail to reassure customers

Yes the customer service of TT is appalling but this breach is not as bad as people think. Its up to Banks etc to ensure that their security does not let fraudsters get away with scamming them with the pitiful information gleaned from TT. Also customers must ensure their passwords are complex enough and not repeated across sites/organisations to allow simple cracking.

Thursday 22 October 2015

We all need renewable energy so why is the Government still lining Conglomerates pockets?

The Government is wrong to cut the FIT payments (subsidies) to domestic and community Green energy.

Amber Rudd, the energy minister, announced a series of cuts earlier this summer, including a reduction in the guaranteed price paid for electricity generated by new rooftop solar installations by up to 87 per cent. The government has said the existing levels of support are no longer needed as the industry has reached critical mass – and that it must act to protect customers, who ultimately pay for subsidies through green levies paid by suppliers and passed on in energy bills.

If it was a purely subsidies to “green” energy then I could understand it – let them compete on a level playing field with all the other commercial generators, (coal, gas, nuclear etc.) but it’s not.

The new Hinckley point Nuclear PowerStation is getting a vast amount of OUR money in subsidies – remember it’s the Chines that are building it).

The Government is planning to slash generation tariffs for new domestic installations by 83 per cent from the start of next year to 1.63p per kilowatt hour (kWh) — though they will still get an additional 4.85p for every kWh exported to the National Grid.

By cutting this subsidy it will give us all back the vast amount of £6 a YEAR off our energy bills.

The total solar capacity of the UK is now eight gigawatts. However, Government estimates show the proposed cut in the generation tariff could cost the UK six gigawatts of renewable energy in the future. 

EDF's £25 billion Hinckley Point C nuclear station will generate 3.2 gigawatts — i.e. half the energy potentially being lost changing the renewable scheme. 

But look at what vast subsidies the Government is giving EDF to build this Nuclear Plant. Yes, we need it but surely it would be preferable and fairer to give a smaller subsidy to you and me to be more energy efficient and Greener? Not give enormous sums to these vast multinational conglomerates?
The Government has guaranteed energy giant EDF and its partners will receive at least £92.50 for every mega-watt hour of electricity generated by Hinckley Point C — twice the current market price — and that figure will rise with inflation.
Some estimates suggest total subsidies to the project could cost tax-payers £76 billion — that's £2,870 for every household in the UK. 

By comparison commercial solar energy generators get an average £68 per megawatt hour — almost a third less than nuclear. Scaling that down to household proportions the nuclear option receives 9.25p per kWh compared to commercial solar's 6.8p.
If the cuts go ahead, homes with solar would get 4.055p per kW (if they continue to be paid the export tariff for half of the energy they produce).
The Energy Saving Trust has published a review into the cuts for renewable energy. It argues that the residential generation tariff could be set at 5.5p or 6p per kWh — around half the current levels — which, with falling installation costs, would still leave solar looking attractive.
This wouldn't save as much, but it would still knock £3 a year off a household energy bill.

Yes, we need Nuclear or the lights will be dimming,  but surely it would be preferable and fairer to give a smaller subsidy to you and me to be more energy efficient and Greener? Not give enormous sums to these vast multinational conglomerates?

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Getting Killed at work?

If I died in an accident at work I would expect my employer to investigated by the HSE for any breaches in "safe Working practices" and if they were negligent I would expect them to be prosecuted. Any one at work expects their employer to use heir duty of care and protect you as far as is reasonably possible.

How come then Ann Maguire a teacher killed in her classroom does NOT appear to have the same protection, Is the school or LEA to be investigated by the HSE? No.

This is scandalous.

What will be done about it - what does her union have to say?

Tuesday 6 October 2015

"User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." Error Windows 8

This has buggedme on a couple of PCs this last week, and I struggled t fix it, but now I have. Share it with you.

"User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." Error Windows 8
Usual fix is to look for “BAK” profiles and delete them or “orphan” profiles that have no User accounts.
In my case none of these worked and no one could logon to said computer, the Error occurred for everyone. Luckily I could log on as the Local administrator. Eventually I found this solution which WORKED!! Hoorah, last resort was going to be wipe the Pc and re-install Windows from scratch, (plus everything else – tedious).
The symptom was the same message and it occurred for all additional users I tried to add after the first one. I had to do a bit more searching and found additional solution. The gist of it is like this - user profile is created when the user first tries to log on. During this process profile data is copied from the default profile. If file permissions are messed up then this process will fail. The solution is to propagate permissions from default user folder to all its subfolders and files. See here for details - "User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded."

Friday 2 October 2015

Broadband rip off

I've said it before ALL the broadband companies charge £17 a month for landline rental. Where is the competition? Now DM is reporting it but missing the point.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Work forever?

Lets get rid of the Public Sector Pensions who contribute nothing toward their Pensions, the Government pays it (I.e. you and me!). Only the LGPS is a properly funded pension scheme and costs the rest of us NOTHING. Then we'll have a level playing field. Pensions are sound. The payers-in fund the pensions takers and the Pension Fund Money is used to invest in/ bolster industry thereby creating wealth (and Tax). Yes Government kill the golden goose for its eggs. Doh!

Thursday 24 September 2015

Now BBC wants a levy

The BBC wants a house Levy to replace the Licence fee. NO!

Just privatise it and save us all the Entertainment Tax.

There once was a Window Tax - it didn't last either.

With all the non-BBC ways to pay to view, let them stand on their own.

Yes there is a place for Public Service Broadcasting but not at £3.5 billion to pay these fat cats.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

cars that control how you drive

Yes good idea cars that control how you drive but anyway it will not be long before all cars are self driving so no need to worry, except when the computer crashes!!! LOL!

Sunday 13 September 2015

Drones the future of warfare?

Are Drones the future of warfare? Fighting ISIS in the open desert but I ask a more sophisticated enemy would fight back. After all in  world of Tony Stark's its big business but if the command centre is in Lincolnshire they need pretty damn good link to remote control their toys? I wouldn't rely on the internet or mobile phone signals. Yes I know the RAF have satellites but so do the others? (Russia/China etc.) so it would be so easy to bring them down and then where would your Drones be? Yes - on the ground - DEAD! The EMC from a nuclear blast would wipe out the comms as well - so easy. Drones are for Big Brother and bullies!

Thursday 3 September 2015

Drones run by Big Brother?

I wonder , these drones more and more they will be used for surveillance. I don't care what they tells us. Science Fiction comes true! Judge Dredd, 1984, etc?

Yes they are good technology for the Police to ue but utimately as they get smaller and more autonomous  "other" agencies will use them - mark my words.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Makes me angry all these so called "cheap" broadband offers

Makes me angry all these so called "cheap" broadband offers.

Yes cheap deals on broadband but you NEED a fixed line ALSO! and thay all are through BT ultimately and they all cost around £17 a month!

When will Offcom do something? BT has a MONOPOLY and its just not right.

My solution is cut off the Line and go MOBILE - think bout it - unless you have things at home that need a connection when you're not there and you can't get 3G/4G and otherwise you can just surf etc, using your phone as a Hotspot! When mass exodus of us from the fixed line happens BT will take notice (or is that why they're buying a mobile company?)

Its got to be the way forward with 4G etc coming to at least 90% of us.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

BBC - do we want it?

BBC - is it only me that sees that £3.5 billion in our taxes (a Poll Tax) goers to run this juggernaut for the benefit of the "Luvvies" etc. and other no hopers to get rich.

Why in the 21st century do we need Entertainment as a Public Service when other REAL Public services are being squeezed to death, Social Services, Housing Services looking after vulnerable and disadvantaged. The BBC is not elected how dare they spend our money. Or am I wrong?

Friday 7 August 2015

abuse is never nice

Sexual harassment is not funny but what about other office taunting? Not nice it's not office banter. People don't have to be nasty.

Friday 31 July 2015

Tuesday 7 July 2015

ACNE IS awful

Yes, awful. I know how distressing it is to be disfigured by acne but very negative, nowhere did they mention the help there is that you can get from the NHS and brilliant treatments that there are. Why not?

Wednesday 1 July 2015

why is Europe bullying Greece?

So why? Yes they owe a few billion Euro's to some slimy bankers in the IMF, so what.
In 2009 our government  gave some banks 10 times that and have we got it back yet?

In 1976 Britain was in a worse state, bankrupt and Harold Wilson's Labour government had to turn to the USA for help and borrowed a massive £3.9 billion! What would that be today?

Why all this hand wringing and wailing about Greece. Google has enough spare cash in the bank to buy Greece! It would make a nice place for its staff to holiday or maybe work "remotely".

Get real! The real problem is ISIS and who controls their money but no one talks about that.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Why can't Electric cars be Solar powered and run on Water?

I've said it before Electric Cars AREN'T GREEN.

Read up on Carnot's Cycle. Where does most of the electricity come from?

BUT, if they could run on Water? Use solar powered cells to create Hydrogen then use it in Fuel Cells to Generate Electricity - BINGO - clean Solar powered Electric cars.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

BBC Sell it off - they sold the PO

BBC - sell it OFF!

£5 billion in tax and none of them are elected or accountable. Your council gets cut to the bone yet BBC can carry on regardless - its a SCANDAL.

Why ENTERTAINMENT paid for by TAX ?

Surely big business should be sactioned for supporting terrorists?

Look at the gleaming array of super Toyotas in this ISIS propaganda. Will Toyota be sanctioned and maybe even Japan. I think in the end Multi National companies not Governments are behind Terrorism, its MONEY that talks, what was the Iraq war about? - OIL? Afganistan? - drugs - and hte Governments still lost.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Electric cars are NOT green

This is what I want to see, Hydrogen Cars,  but not pumping Hydrogen in, making electricity from water via solar power!

Surely a "Fuel Cell" that does this can be made?

Crazy - now conventional Electric cars are "rocketing" ! well maybe they would if they ran on ROCKET fuel!
Look  they get £5k from HMG (US!) but they're not cheap, even the lowly "VW i-up" (if were a Yorkshire car it would be the "aye-up" - I digress), is £25k! Who can afford these cars? yep RICH folk so why should they get £5k subsidy for a ridiculous car that only does <100 miles.="">
Crazy. Just Like Wind Turbines - Robin Hood -in-reverse - taking from poor folk (US) and giving to the rich!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Lets save every household £145

Lets all start watching catch-up TV and ditch the licence. WHy should we have an "entertainment Tax" to fund the BBC? Its appalling we pay £3.5billion for the likes of Jeremy Clarkson and co to earn millions for his tosh. Privatise the BBC I say and lets put the money to use in the NHS?

Friday 8 May 2015

hooray, saved by the Tories

Maybe now the Tories Will end finally the absurd entertainment tax called the BBC?

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Electric Cars Are NOT GREEN

Electric Cars Are NOT GREEN

so, sales of electric/hybrid cars are picking up even though the subsidy is going and the price of fuel has come down.

but its not going to be good for the environment in the long term unless we get the technology right.

Why? - you ask.

Well, Physics says that the internal combustion engine is more efficient than generating electricity at a power station and "charging" your car with a wire.

As long as electricity is generated by fossil fuels its BAD for the environment and they are FINITE.

I won't explain the Physics but look at the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Carnot Cycle.

What I want to see is 2 things

  1. Electricity generated by non-fossil fuels
  2. Charging done Wirelessly - then there is no range-anxiety

Ideally we could have an electric car powered by solar energy/and or hydrogen (water). The science exists to turn water in to Hydrogen and oxygen. Put the water in the car (free?), electricity converts the water to Hydrogen (oxygen is released) then when you want to move the Hydrogen is used to power the car - either electrically or by combustion - exhaust gas is Water.

This will work for town driving/commuting but it will be a long time before long distances can be covered by pure electric cars.

So what anyway?

Oh, the other thing - TAX.

What is HMG going to do without the Road Tax and fuel duty now no one buys fuel, or has a zero rated car?

Hmmm, yes you guessed they tax them another way, tax on electricity I bet or road charging.

Can't win!

Monday 13 April 2015

Bedroom Tax Loophole

this is it - what a simple way to get around the bedroom Tax.

Knock your bedroom walls down!!

Turn your 3 bed in to a 2 bed - SIMPLES.

Problem solved and bigger rooms.

We did it when I was a student. I remember sharing a bedroom. We put the wardrobes down the middle so effectively partitioning off the room.

What stupid sanction by HMG?

Fair enough - only pay so much "Rent" benefit depending on your needs but don't penalise people for having lived in a "X" bedroom [proerty if they have no choice.

This is unfair to expect the poorest to bail out the rest, for Government's mismanagement of the economy while they still et individual Bankers get their obscene large bonuses subsidised by you and me!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Why do you need a passport?

Why do you need a passport?

I am changing my job and my new employer wants to confirm that i am not an illegal alien, or asylum seeker, to do this they want to see my passport.

I haven't one. Why should I? I don'y want to leave the country, I din't want to pay £75 to have my picture in a little plum book so why?
Why is it assumed everyone has a passport. If you don';t have one it is very difficult to prove who you are and where you're from.


If HMG want a universal identity scheme then let them introduce one for everybody and pay for it out of taxes. I'm OK without a passport. I have a driving licence and had to renew that recently. Without a passport they need to take your picture agian but that's not too bad. For a passport now you have to travel to silly places and have an interview - BAH!

See this, if you are a truly British person it seems you can't PROVE it. Only foreigners would be expected to have these documents.

It is RIDICULOUS. what if you don't have a driving licence either? Then you truly are a non-person.

Saturday 21 March 2015


Lucy. Strange. think of 2001 Space odyssey. Carrie meets Resident Evil.
5* for me

Tuesday 10 March 2015

BBC advertises Apple

Why should the BBC give Apple - one of the biggest companies in the world free advertising?

Scandalous. I thought that they weren't allowed to advertise - is it in their Charter?

I wonder who's palm was greased?

BBC - not elected by us, takes £3.5 billion off us to do what it likes!


Councillors - what do they actually do?

Look at this the record speaks for itself. Gets elected and draws the "allowance" - I think its just "thumbing the nose" at the electors. What do you think?

The Government seems hell bent on stifling Councils of money. and I do ask, why do Councils run all these services like, emptying bins, social care and welfare, schools, child care, homelessness? Surely they are national services like the Job Centres etc, why shouldn't agencies run them on behalf of the Government. They can set the rules and guidelines like the Police and take them off Councils. they then can be left with a little money raised locally do to do "local" things for the Community. Councillors should be genuinely "Volunteers" and just get token expenses.
What do you think. As it stands they "run" these councils and are a bunch of Political amateurs who misappropriate and mismanage the millions that they have (much like the BBC and that's unelected).

Thursday 26 February 2015

Abolish Councils don't give them more to mis-manage

Giving Manchester Councils the Health Service to Run is the highest Folly.

Instead give The Health service the Social Services and Care Services from the Councils.

Its ludicrous to allow the Councils mis-manged by Elected Buffoons to now try and run Health.

Councils should have all the services taken way and run by Proper organisations. Lets regionalise the Health Service and run it properly.

Lets just have local councils to deal with things they understand and can manage like Parking and dog-mess.

Everything else is a service and can be run centrally.

BBC - Entertainment tax to be abolished

Why should we all in 21st Century Britain pay a tax to be entertained? A faceless Quango of backslapping n'er do wells who can't get a proper job runan organisation bleeding £3.5 billion from the long suffering tax payers of Britain.

Unlike Councils there's no one elected to oversee what the BBC is doing yet they have that vast income and no cut backs. Councils on the otherhand look after children, the elderly and sick and have less and less money to do it.

The whole system is SICK.

Its just not RIGHT or FAIR!

Why should millionaires pay exactly the same for their TV as a little old pensioner of 74?

SKY doesn't get taxpayers money (well apart form the £5mill to show BBC programmes etc.).


Wednesday 18 February 2015

50 types of pornography

50 shades of pornographic.

This film 50 Shades of Grey - is much hyped recently. even Breakfast TV was "laughing" coyly about it.

OK You're an adult watch it if you want but I suggest DON'T - here's why, apart from it being a mediocre film.

Have they read the book, have any of them? How do these people reconcile their attitude to porn, what about the BBC - promoting it when children are undoubtedly watching? If its not PORN why is it rated 18?

It is a scandal and people (and BBC) should be ashamed.

In the same week a very good article in Saturday's Daily Mail by Sarah Vine highlighted how easy it is to get to hard core porn on the internet and our children are looking at it and being damaged for life by it. They can access stuff that tragically and irreversibly distorts their young minds in their formative years of their view of society. I know because I've seen it. I don't mean that I go surfing for porn, but in my job I have had to "investigate" employees that were circulating Porn via email. We had to collect the evidence, I had to "see" it to check what it was and compile it for management who ultimately dismissed the culprits including a manager.

Believe me some images are so vile that you don't want to see them, and having seen them you can't get them out of your mind even if you want to. I am pretty well balanced and tried to stay detached but it is hard.

If it involves children remember if they are shown in it it is not a victimless crime - these children are being abused, the viewers are ABUSING them too by proxy. 

If no one wanted to see this filth then the kids would not get abused.

That is what "pornography" means, actually we need a word meaning worse than pornography because some of this stuff is unbelievably corrupting. 



Bankers have all the Power?

I watched Wolf Hall the other week and I thought that it was extremely funny that Cromwell threatened Harry Percy with Bankruptcy if he did not co-operate. No physical violence just that he was so in debt that Cromwell could make him a pariah by getting his Banker friends to stop his loans then he would have no one and no one would want to be his friend.

Funny how this is still true today.

How would ISIS function without money.

They get money from several sources, oil, and rich supporters who have oil, plus dealing in antiquities.

To me what is astonishingly scandalous is WHO handles this money for them? Surely they don't carry cash around in suitcases?

If we in the West could simply cut off their supply of money by breaking all internet links they have and confiscating/freezing the funds wherever they are and anyone else who is connected to them - thsat is these dealers in  these antiquities, the millionaires who buy them, the arms dealers etc. etc. 

Surely we could then stifle them out. NO FIGHTING necessary.

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. STOP IT, or does the dirty money go up even to these hallowed places?

Look at thes pictures showing ISIS parading in Libya in TOYOTA CARS. Lets all Boycott TOYOTA as a supporter of ISIS. They'd soon stop supplpying vehicles to terrorists if the rest of the world became a no sell zone!!

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. put sanctions on Japan/Toyota - see what happens?

Sunday 15 February 2015

What Pension Crisis?

I've said it before there is NO Pension crisis - its all smoke and mirrors. Engineered by the Government to squeeze us to pay off their incompetence. At last with Pensioner Bonds they are attempting to help out the beleaguered savers. In the end we cannot borrow our way out of the crisis. While the Bankers continue to make loads-of-money we are suffering.

If Gordon Brown had not raped the Pension funds in the last Government there would be plenty in the pot to finance industry and pay the pensioners but he's spent our nest egg.

Do I have to explain again how it works.

Let people have a level playing field for their pension savings. The money saved is used now to finance "things" later you will draw your pension. Don't worry unless they raid it again.

At least this is a good idea - long time coming. Next we need to regulate the charges that are levied and the rates of annuities that are paid should be kept within realistic ranges. Not to make Bankers FAT!

Monday 9 February 2015

Big Samsung Brother is watching - you!

I think I have said before how many of George Orwell's visions, of a dystopian view of a totalitarian society dominated by media, are coming true!

Here is another example - the Visi-screen - yes now IT is watching us! Truly Big Brother?

Society dominated by media propaganda, wars raging, west versus east, then far east, middle east, North and south all images provided by media to an insatiable public. then there's the endless "voting" for this n that, (mainly "celebrity" non-entities) but Governments are next and does it change anything? no of course not. Then there's Civil Liberties, bit by bit the Police state is tightening the screws and Big Brother is watching, now even in our homes. Government knows where you are and what you've been/are doing in so many ways. Do you use a Credit/debit card - they know where you are. Of course Crime has to be countered - but is it real? Are the Wars real? Maybe as real "American Sniper" - hard to tell?
Pestilence - the Ebola outbreak in Africa - was that real? I've watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - far fetched? Disease wipes out most of mankind and spread from experiments in apes? Hmmmmm?

At least they can't stop what we think - can they?

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Abbatoir - Halal Meat Cruelty proved.

Shocking evidence of how Halal meat is slaughtered. Be warned. Yes the sheep are to die but in this country we have laws against cruelty to animals I thought there were laws too about how slaughter houses had to STUN animals before killing them?

Seems these religious fanatics can get away with cruelty - WHY? Pictures from this thirsk abbatoir show cruelty. Yes the men have been caught but how many aren't?

Does someone worry about offending them?

I despair about the goodie two shoes in this country.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

BBC standards slipping

The BBC standards are slipping.

I'm fed up with lurid news items on the 6pm news and Look North. They mention Rape/War/Sex, show bodies etc.

Yes this is WELL before the "watershed" and BBC Director Tony Hall seems to think this is OK?

I DO NOT. I have a 4 year old and would expect that the 6pm news - being before the Watershed is OK for her to see. How do you explain Rape to a 4 year old.

Yes I realise that in these days of on-line viewing, catch-up TV, YouTube etc children can access all sorts of dubious material and filth but if you leave you child in front of the TV at 5-7pm shouldn't you expect some minimum standards?

At the end of the day maybe I should not allow the NEWS to be on at all but at 6pm they should tone it down.

I have noticed that Films are shown in an afternoon that were released as PG or 15 and now in in an afternoon, 3pm or 4pm young children could be watching - surely the Board odf Film Censors has not got an expiry date after which their rating miraculously disappears and all is OK?

I do despair. After all WE OWN the BBC don't we. It is a Public service just like having your Bins emptied that we pay TAX for.

I give up - PRIVATISE THE BBC - get rid of it and save the £3billion - spend it on the NHS.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Mental illness is terminal, or can be?

Mental Illness is terminal

Yes the NHS is told to spend more money on mental illness. Its shocking how mentally ill people are abandoned and the consequences are dire for them and others.

Another example - mentally ill woman kills pensioner.

Savers are still abandoned

Yes good old HMG launched the Pensioner bonds paying a whopping 4% interest

ABOUT TIME TOO - but Ok if you're 65 plus!

but what about the rest of us? Remember we funded the Banks bales out to the tune of £6000 per person and interest rates plummeted to 1% or less.

If HMG want money to pay for stuff (and they do) "borrrowing" it from us in the form of savings/bonds is ideal they could at least help us out for helping them out (the Banks) saving their bacon but plunging us into recession. It been the worst 5 year in my life don't know about you?

I 've been looking and most savings account pay around 0.5 to 1.5% at best and then you have to lock it away for years.

I despair but what can we do. Nowt will happen.

Monday 19 January 2015

Captain Phillips 2013

As always Tom Hanks and his acting carries this film, much like Castaway.

Gripping drama but with just a few "why did they do that?" moments.

5* for me.

Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January

It is Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January. It will be the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Events in Paris and recently demonstrate that lessons are still to be learned of Man's inhumanity to Man.

HMD is about reminding us not just of the events 70years ago- but of every act of Genocide and Hate Crime that still occurs.

Watch this programme on BBC2 thursday 21:30.
Holocaust survivor Freddie Knoller (now in his 90s) tells his personal story of being a young Jewish man during World War II.
There won't be many more actual survivors to tell the stories. If they tell one person though then the memory survives to remind us of the HORROR.

Look at what is happening in Cameroon today.

What is this about in Niger?

We tolerate all faiths, colours and creeds in Britain - providing they obey our laws.

If what they want to do is against our law then why don't they leave and go somewhere where they can practice it? For example in Abu Dhabi we cannot drink alcohol and if we visit there we respect their laws.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Paris atrocities.

Max Hastings sums up neatly what I was thinking - "why?". "What are these so called Muslims fighting for?".

Apart from the failure of the Paris Police to let them escape in the first place, I ask can anyone explain exactly what these Radical Muslims think that they are fighting against?

Perhaps Max is right that we don't understand because who is the enemy? Its not another country with borders. Its an ideology and religion. Its not so long ago that we were persecuting fellow Christians for having a different way of worshipping. After 2000 years of Christianity we are only just coming to terms with it so how do we expect Muslims who are much younger to evolve into a similar state.

I well remember the IRA campaign in the 70's and 80's again we struggled to understand "why?" and treated them merely as criminals but that didn't stop them.

I don't know what the answer is but we MUST keep up the vigilance and find out potential attackers before they attack. They are anywhere and everywhere. Yes it will diminish our civil liberties but don't blame the authorities its the criminals and terrorists who are doing it. What is the alternative?

rita ora one show

Come on get a life. Rita Ora looked very smart. What is wrong, everyone has a body, nothing rude about Rita Ora there.
What upset me was the Look North news just before , an item going into graphic detail about Sex and rape! How do you explain that to a 5 yr old? She didn't look twice at Rita or a, just a pretty lady.The BBC must get its priorities right. News bulletins before 7pm should not be unsuitable for small children.

Maybe is they Privitised theBBC and saved us the £3.5billion a year = spend is on the NHS not mere "entertainment". Rita gets allegedly £500k for flashing her cleavage? where have I misunderstood this?

Thursday 8 January 2015

Oil - where to go?

we're all pleased that the price of Petrol/diesel is falling but should we worry?

It was not that long ago that we all were hurting as the Government slapped on regular duty rises to put us off using oil.

So what's changed?

The recession has choked demand, the Arabs are still pumping and the Us has shale oil and gas.

What's happening and why we should be worried - well a bit.

If the price keeps falling then a lot of oil companies will go under and it won't be worth Fracking and getting the  hard to get to oil out.


But what will happen is the Arabs will end up with a Monopoly! they will buy out all these falling companies as their share prices crash - good strategy eh? but where will this lead us - World Domination by the Arabs etc.

Possibly a worse threat to to world stability that Al Qaeda or ISIS.

Watch this space.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Skegness V Blackpool

Some folk seem to wonder why Skeggy doesn't have more year around visitors and have looked at Blackpool. To compare its just easier to say what Blackpoool has, mostly verything that Skeggy doesn't!

Sea Front (long one),
Pleasure Beach
3 x piers,
Motorway to get there,
Trams (equates to public Transport),
Hotels (plenty of them),
Lake District Near

Sunday 4 January 2015

Gone Girl - 2014 film

Gone Girl - well, just don't make any assumptions.
It flips one way to the other - dead/alive, kidnapped/murdered, something else, did he /didn't he, good guy/bad guy/girl?

Anyway kept my attention for almost 2.5hrs. In the end just left a puzzle - not stisfying really. Those films where you just don't walk backwards or go into a darkened cellar etc.

Kim Dickens, detective Rhonda boney, deserves her own film, I think she has a sensible head.


guardians of the Galaxy

guardians of the Galaxy. good film. 4*. liked the 70's music. waiting for part 2 now. one of Vin Diesel's best films - oscar wining performance!

Thursday 1 January 2015

broadband scam?

Anyone else noticed these "enticing" superfast broadband offers on at the moment? To me the only thing is they say in the small print " landline rental at £17 per month"! Outrageous. Nearly all within a few pence. No discounts. Seems only just over a year ago line rental was around £11 a month. How has it changed?
I predict soon we'll all go Mobil. Stuff their line rental. What a waste all this upgrading to superfast.